§ 20‑287. Licensesrequired; penalties.
(a) License Required. It shall be unlawful for any new motor vehicle dealer, used motor vehicledealer, motor vehicle sales representative, manufacturer, factory branch,factory representative, distributor, distributor branch, distributorrepresentative, or wholesaler to engage in business in this State without firstobtaining a license as provided in this Article. If any motor vehicle dealeracts as a motor vehicle sales representative, the dealer shall obtain a motorvehicle sales representative's license in addition to a motor vehicle dealer'slicense. A sales representative may have only one license. The license shallshow the name of the dealer or wholesaler employing the sales representative.The following license holders may operate as a motor vehicle dealer withoutobtaining a motor vehicle dealer's license or paying an additional fee: amanufacturer, a factory branch, a distributor, and a distributor branch. Any ofthese license holders who operates as a motor vehicle dealer may sell motorvehicles at retail only at an established salesroom.
(b) Civil Penalty forViolations by Licensee. In addition to any other punishment or remedy underthe law for any violation of this section, the Division may levy and collect acivil penalty, in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) foreach violation, against any person who has obtained a license pursuant to thissection, if it finds that the licensee has violated any of the provisions ofG.S. 20‑285 through G.S. 20‑303, Article 15 of this Chapter, or anystatute or rule adopted by the Division relating to the sale of vehicles,vehicle titling, or vehicle registration.
(c) Civil Penalty forViolations by Person Without a License. In addition to any other punishmentor remedy under the law for any violation of this section, the Division maylevy and collect a civil penalty, in an amount not to exceed five thousanddollars ($5,000) for each violation, against any person who is required toobtain a license under this section and has not obtained the license, if itfinds that the person has violated any of the provisions of G.S. 20‑285through G.S. 20‑ 303, Article 15 of this Chapter, or any statute or ruleadopted by the Division relating to the sale of vehicles, vehicle titling, orvehicle registration. (1955, c. 1243, s. 3; 1991, c. 662, s. 2; 2001‑345, s. 1; 2005‑99,s. 1.)