§ 20‑292.1. Supplemental temporary license for sale of antique and specialty vehicles.
Any dealer licensed as a motorvehicle dealer under this Article may apply to the Commissioner and receive, atno additional charge, a supplemental temporary license authorizing the off‑premisessales of antique motor vehicles and specialty motor vehicles for a period notto exceed 10 consecutive calendar days. To obtain a temporary supplementallicense for the off‑premises sale of antique motor vehicles and specialtymotor vehicles, the applicant shall:
(1) Be licensed as amotor vehicle dealer under this Article.
(2) Notify theapplicable local office of the Division of the specific dates and location forwhich the license is requested.
(3) Display a sign atthe licensed location clearly identifying the dealer.
(4) Keep and maintainthe records required for the sale of motor vehicles under this Article.
(5) Provide staff towork at the temporary location for the duration of the off‑premises sale.
(6) Meet any local governmentpermitting requirements.
(7) Have writtenpermission from the property owner to sell at the location.
For purposes of this section,the term "antique motor vehicle" shall mean any motor vehicle forprivate use manufactured at least 25 years prior to the current model year, andthe term "specialty motor vehicle" shall mean any model or series ofmotor vehicle for private use manufactured at least three years prior to thecurrent model year of which no more than 5,000 vehicles were sold within theUnited States during the model year the vehicle was manufactured.
This section does not apply toa nonselling motor vehicle show or public display of new motor vehicles. (2003‑113, s. 1.)