§ 20‑347. Disclosurerequirements.
(a) In connection withthe transfer of a motor vehicle, the transferor shall disclose the mileage tothe transferee in writing on the title or on the document used to reassign thetitle. This written disclosure must be signed by the transferor, including theprinted name, and shall contain the following information:
(1) The odometer readingat the time of the transfer (not to include tenths of miles);
(2) The date of thetransfer;
(3) The transferor'sname and current address;
(3a) The transferee'sprinted name, signature and current address;
(4) The identity of thevehicle, including its make, model, body type, and vehicle identificationnumber, and the license plate number most recently used on the vehicle; and
(5) Certification by thetransferor that to the best of his knowledge the odometer reading
a. Reflects the actualmileage; or
b. Reflects the amountof mileage in excess of the designed mechanical odometer limit; or
c. Does not reflect theactual mileage and should not be relied on.
(6), (7) Repealed bySession Laws 1989, c. 482, s. 2.
(a1) Before executing anytransfer of ownership document, each lessor of a leased motor vehicle shallnotify the lessee in writing that the lessee is required to provide writtendisclosure to the lessor regarding mileage. In connection with the transfer ofownership of the leased motor vehicle, the lessee shall furnish to the lessor awritten statement signed by the lessee containing the following information:
(1) The printed name of theperson making the disclosure;
(2) The current odometerreading (not to include tenths of miles);
(3) The date of thestatement;
(4) The lessee's printedname and current address;
(5) The lessor's printedname, signature, and current address;
(6) The identity of thevehicle, including its make, model, year, body type, and vehicle identificationnumber;
(7) The date that thelessor notified the lessee of the disclosure requirements and the date thelessor received the completed disclosure statement; and
(8) Certification by thelessee that to the best of his knowledge the odometer reading:
a. Reflects the actualmileage;
b. Reflects the amountof mileage in excess of the designed mechanical odometer limit; or
c. Does not reflect theactual mileage and should not be relied on.
If the lessor transfers theleased vehicle without obtaining possession of it, the lessor may indicate onthe title the mileage disclosed by the lessee under this subsection, unless thelessor has reason to believe that the disclosure by the lessee does not reflectthe actual mileage of the vehicle.
(b) Repealed by SessionLaws 1973, c. 1088.
(c) It shall beunlawful for any transferor to violate any rules under this section or toknowingly give a false statement to a transferee in making any disclosurerequired by such rules.
(d) The provisions ofthis disclosure statement section shall not apply to the following transfers:
(1) A vehicle having agross vehicle weight rating of more than 16,000 pounds.
(2) A vehicle that isnot self‑propelled.
(2a) A vehicle solddirectly by the manufacturer to any agency of the United States in conformitywith contractual specifications.
(3) A vehicle that is 10years old or older.
(4) A new vehicle priorto its first transfer for purposes other than resale.
(5) A vehicle that istransferred by a State agency that assists the United States Department ofDefense with purchasing, transferring, or titling a vehicle to another Stateagency, a unit of local government, a volunteer fire department, or a volunteerrescue squad. (1973,c. 679, s. 1; c. 1088; 1983, c. 387; 1989, c. 482, ss. 2‑5; 1993, c. 553,s. 11; 2009‑550, s. 2(d).)