§ 20‑354.8. Prohibitedacts and practices.
It shall be a violation ofthis Article for any motor vehicle repair shop or employee of a motor vehiclerepair shop to do any of the following:
(1) Charge for repairswhich have not been expressly or impliedly authorized by the customer.
(2) Misrepresent thatrepairs have been made to a motor vehicle.
(3) Misrepresent thatcertain parts and repairs are necessary to repair a vehicle.
(4) Misrepresent thatthe vehicle being inspected or diagnosed is in a dangerous condition or thatthe customer's continued use of the vehicle may be harmful or cause greatdamage to the vehicle.
(5) Fraudulently alterany customer contract, estimate, invoice, or other document.
(6) Fraudulently misuseany customer's credit card.
(7) Make or authorize inany manner or by any means whatever any written or oral statement which isuntrue, deceptive, or misleading, and which is known, or which by the exerciseof reasonable care should be known, to be untrue, deceptive, or misleading,related to this Article.
(8) Make fraudulentpromises of a character likely to influence, persuade, or induce a customer toauthorize the repair, service, or maintenance of a motor vehicle.
(9) Substitute used,rebuilt, salvaged, or straightened parts for new replacement parts withoutnotice to the motor vehicle owner and to his or her insurer if the cost ofrepair is to be paid pursuant to an insurance policy and the identity of theinsurer or its claims adjuster is disclosed to the motor vehicle repair shop.
(10) Cause or allow acustomer to sign any work order that does not state the repairs requested bythe customer.
(11) Refuse to give to acustomer a copy of any document requiring the customer's signature uponcompletion or cancellation of the repair work.
(12) Rebuild or restore arebuilt vehicle without the knowledge of the owner in a manner that does notconform to the original vehicle manufacturer's established repair procedures orspecifications and allowable tolerances for the particular model and year.
(13) Perform any other actthat is a violation of this Article or that constitutes fraud ormisrepresentation under this Article. (1999‑437, s. 1.)