§ 20‑36. (Effectiveuntil March 31, 2010) Ten‑year‑old convictions not considered.
Except for offenses occurringin a commercial motor vehicle, or a second failure to submit to a chemical testwhen charged with an implied‑consent offense, as defined in G.S. 20‑16.2,that occurred while the person was driving a commercial motor vehicle, noconviction of any other violation of the motor vehicle laws shall be consideredby the Division in determining whether any person's driving privilege shall besuspended or revoked or in determining the appropriate period of suspension orrevocation after 10 years has elapsed from the date of that conviction. (1971, c. 15; 1975, c. 716,s. 5; 1998‑182, s. 22; 2005‑349, s. 7.)
§ 20‑36. (EffectiveMarch 31, 2010) Ten‑year‑old convictions not considered.
Except for offenses occurringin a commercial motor vehicle, offenses by the holder of a commercial driverslicense involving a noncommercial motor vehicle, or a second failure to submitto a chemical test when charged with an implied‑consent offense, asdefined in G.S. 20‑16.2, that occurred while the person was driving acommercial motor vehicle, no conviction of any other violation of the motorvehicle laws shall be considered by the Division in determining whether any person'sdriving privilege shall be suspended or revoked or in determining theappropriate period of suspension or revocation after 10 years has elapsed fromthe date of that conviction. (1971, c. 15; 1975, c. 716, s. 5; 1998‑182, s.22; 2005‑349, s. 7; 2009‑416, s. 4.)