§ 20‑382. For‑hiremotor carrier registration, insurance verification, and temporary trip permitauthority.
(a) UCRA. TheCommissioner may enter into the Unified Carrier Registration Agreement (UCRA),established pursuant to Section 4305 of Public Law 109‑73, and intoagreements with jurisdictions participating in the UCRA to exchange informationfor any audit or enforcement activity required by the UCRA. Upon entry into theUCRA, the requirements set under the UCRA apply to the Division. If arequirement set under the UCRA conflicts with this section, the UCRA controls.Rules adopted to implement this section must ensure compliance with mandates ofthe Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the United StatesDepartment of Transportation.
(a1) CarrierRegistration. A motor carrier may not operate a for‑hire motor vehiclein interstate commerce in this State unless the motor carrier has complied withall of the following requirements:
(1) Registered itsoperations with its base state.
(1a) Done one of thefollowing:
a. Filed a copy of thecertificate of authority issued to it by the United States Department ofTransportation allowing it to transport regulated items in this State and anyamendments to that authority.
b. Certified to theDivision that it carries only items that are not regulated by the United StatesDepartment of Transportation.
(2) Verified, inaccordance with subsection (b) of this section, that it has insurance for eachfor‑hire motor vehicle it operates.
(3) Paid the fees set inG.S. 20‑385.
(b) InsuranceVerification. A motor carrier that operates a for‑hire motor vehicle ininterstate commerce in this State and is regulated by the United StatesDepartment of Transportation must verify to the Division that each for‑hiremotor vehicle the motor carrier operates in this State is insured in accordancewith the requirements set by the United States Department of Transportation. Amotor carrier that operates a for‑hire motor vehicle in interstatecommerce in this State and is exempt from regulation by the United StatesDepartment of Transportation must verify to the Division that each for‑hiremotor vehicle the motor carrier operates in this State is insured in accordancewith the requirements set by the North Carolina Utilities Commission.
(c) Trip Permit. Amotor carrier that is not registered as required by this section may obtain anemergency trip permit by filing an application for it with the Division. Anemergency trip permit allows the motor carrier to operate a for‑hire motorvehicle in this State for a period not to exceed 10 days. (1985, c. 454, s. 1; 1993(Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 621, s. 1; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 756, s. 25; 2007‑492,s. 3.)