§ 20‑396. Unlawfulmotor carrier operations.
(a) Any person, whethercarrier, shipper, consignee, or any officer, employee, agent, or representativethereof, who by means of any false statement or representation, or by the useof any false or fictitious bill, bill of lading, receipt, voucher, roll,account, claim, certificate, affidavit, deposition, lease, or bill of sale, orby any other means or device, shall knowingly and willfully seek to evade ordefeat regulations as in this Article provided for motor carriers, shall bedeemed guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and only punished by a fine of not morethan five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the first offense and not more than twothousand dollars ($2,000) for any subsequent offense.
(b) Any motor carrier,or other person, or any officer, agent, employee, or representative thereof,who shall willfully fail or refuse to make a report to the Division orDepartment of Crime Control and Public Safety as required by this Article, orother applicable law, or to make specific and full, true, and correct answer toany question within 30 days from the time it is lawfully required by theDivision or Department of Crime Control and Public Safety so to do, or to keepaccounts, records, and memoranda in the form and manner prescribed by theDivision or Department of Crime Control and Public Safety or shall knowinglyand willfully falsify, destroy, mutilate, or alter any such report, account,record, or memorandum, or shall knowingly and willfully neglect or fail to maketrue and correct entries in such accounts, records, or memoranda of all factsand transactions appertaining to the business of the carrier, or personrequired under this Article to keep the same, or shall knowingly and willfullykeep any accounts, records, or memoranda contrary to the rules, regulations, ororders of the Division or Department of Crime Control and Public Safety withrespect thereto, shall be deemed guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and bepunished for each offense only by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars($5,000). As used in this subsection the words "kept" and"keep" shall be construed to mean made, prepared or compiled as wellas retained. (1985,c. 454, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, s. 395; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 2002‑159,s. 31.5(b); 2002‑190, s. 13.)