§ 20‑397. Furnishingfalse information to the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety;withholding information from the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety.
(a) Every person, firmor corporation operating under the jurisdiction of the Department of CrimeControl and Public Safety or who is required by law to file reports with theDepartment of Crime Control and Public Safety who shall knowingly or willfullyfile or give false information to the Department of Crime Control and PublicSafety in any report, reply, response, or other statement or document furnishedto the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety shall be guilty of a Class1 misdemeanor.
(b) Every person, firm,or corporation operating under the jurisdiction of the Department of CrimeControl and Public Safety or who is required by law to file reports with theDepartment of Crime Control and Public Safety who shall willfully withholdclearly specified and reasonably obtainable information from the Department ofCrime Control and Public Safety in any report, response, reply or statementfiled with the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety in the performanceof the duties of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety or who shallfail or refuse to file any report, response, reply or statement required by theDepartment of Crime Control and Public Safety in the performance of the dutiesof the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety shall be guilty of a Class1 misdemeanor. (1985,c. 454, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, s. 396; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 2002‑159,s. 31.5(b); 2002‑190, s. 2.)