§ 20‑43.4. Current listof licensed drivers to be provided to jury commissions.
The Commissioner of MotorVehicles shall provide to each county jury commission an alphabetical list ofall persons that the Commissioner has determined are residents of the county,who will be 18 years of age or older as of the first day of January of thefollowing year, and licensed to drive a motor vehicle as of July 1 of each odd‑numberedyear, provided that if an annual jury list is being prepared under G.S. 9‑2(a),the list to be provided to the county jury commission shall be updated andprovided annually. The list shall include those persons whose license to drivehas been suspended, and those former licensees whose license has been canceled,except that the list shall not include the name of any formerly licensed driverwhose license is expired and has not been renewed for eight years or more. Thelist shall contain the address and zip code of each driver, plus the driver'sdate of birth, sex, social security number, and drivers license number, and maybe in either printed or computerized form, as requested by each county. Beforeproviding the list to the county jury commission, the Commissioner shall havecomputer‑matched the list with the voter registration list of the StateBoard of Elections to eliminate duplicates. The Commissioner shall also removefrom the list the names of those residents of the county who are recentlydeceased, which shall be supplied to the Commissioner by the State Registrarunder G.S. 130A‑121(b). The Commissioner shall include in the listprovided to the county jury commission names of registered voters who do nothave drivers licenses, and shall indicate the licensed or formerly licenseddrivers who are also registered voters, the licensed or formerly licenseddrivers who are not registered voters, and the registered voters who are notlicensed or formerly licensed drivers. The list so provided shall be usedsolely for jury selection and election records purposes and no other.Information provided by the Commissioner to county jury commissions and theState Board of Elections under this section shall remain confidential, shallcontinue to be subject to the disclosure restriction provisions of G.S. 20‑43.1,and shall not be a public record for purposes of Chapter 132 of the GeneralStatutes. (1981,c. 720, s. 2; 1983, c. 197, ss. 1, 1.1; c. 754; c. 768, s. 25.3; 2003‑226,s. 7(c); 2007‑512, s. 3.)