§ 20‑50.3. (Forcontingent repeal, see note) Division to furnish county assessors registrationlists.
On the tenth day of each monththe Division shall send to each county assessor a list of vehicles registeredunder the staggered system for which registration was renewed or a newregistration was obtained in that county during the second month preceding thatdate, with the name and address of each vehicle owner. On the tenth day ofMarch the Division shall send to each county assessor a list of the followingvehicles registered under the annual system with the name and address of eachvehicle owner:
(1) Vehicles for whichregistration was renewed in that county during the period beginning thepreceding December 1.
(2) Vehicles for which anew registration was obtained in that county during the preceding December. (1991, c. 624, s. 5; 1991(Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 961, s. 11; 2005‑294, s. 10; 2006‑259, s.31.5; 2007‑527, s. 22(b).)