§ 20‑53.1. Speciallyconstructed vehicle certificate of title and registration.
(a) Speciallyconstructed vehicles shall be titled in the following manner:
(1) Replica vehiclesshall be titled as the year, make, and model of the vehicle intended to be replicated.A label of "Replica" shall be applied to the title and registrationcard. All replica vehicle titles shall be labeled "Specially ConstructedVehicle."
(2) The model year of astreet rod vehicle shall continue to be recognized as the manufacturer'sassigned model year. The manufacturer's name shall continue to be used as themake with a label of "Street Rod" applied to the title andregistration card. All street rod vehicle titles shall be labeled"Specially Constructed Vehicle."
(3) Custom‑builtvehicles shall be titled and registered showing the make as "Custom‑built,"and the year the vehicle was built shall be the vehicle model year. All custom‑builtvehicle titles shall be labeled "Specially Constructed Vehicle."
(b) Inoperable vehiclesmay be titled, but no registration may be issued until such time as the Licenseand Theft Bureau inspects the vehicle to ensure it is substantially assembled.Once a vehicle has been verified as substantially assembled pursuant to aninspection by the License and Theft Bureau, the Commissioner shall title thevehicle by classifying it in the proper category and collecting all highway usetaxes applicable to the value of the car at the time the vehicle is retitled toa proper classification, as described in this section.
(c) Motor vehiclecertificates of title and registration cards issued pursuant to this sectionshall be labeled in accordance with this section. As used in this section,"labeled" means that the title and registration card shall contain adesignation that discloses if the vehicle is classified as any of thefollowing:
(1) Speciallyconstructed vehicle.
(2) Inoperable vehicle. (2009‑405, s. 2.)