§ 20‑57. Division toissue certificate of title and registration card.
(a) The Division uponregistering a vehicle shall issue a registration card and a certificate oftitle as separate documents.
(b) The registrationcard shall be delivered to the owner and shall contain upon the face thereofthe name and address of the owner, space for the owner's signature, theregistration number assigned to the vehicle, and a description of the vehicleas determined by the Commissioner, provided that if there are more than twoowners the Division may show only two owners on the registration card andindicate that additional owners exist by placing after the names listed"et al." An owner may obtain a copy of a registration card issued inthe owner's name by applying to the Division for a copy and paying the fee setin G.S. 20‑85.
(c) Every owner uponreceipt of a registration card, shall write his signature thereon with pen andink in the space provided. Every such registration card shall at all times becarried in the vehicle to which it refers or in the vehicle to which transferis being effected, as provided by G.S. 20‑64 at the time of itsoperation, and such registration card shall be displayed upon demand of anypeace officer or any officer of the Division: Provided, however, any personcharged with failing to so carry such registration card shall not be convictedif he produces in court a registration card theretofore issued to him and validat the time of his arrest: Provided further, that in case of a transfer of alicense plate from one vehicle to another under the provisions of G.S. 20‑72,evidence of application for transfer shall be carried in the vehicle in lieu ofthe registration card.
(d) The certificate oftitle shall contain upon the face thereof the identical information requiredupon the face of the registration card except the abbreviation "etal." if such appears and in addition thereto the name of all owners, thedate of issuance and all liens or encumbrances disclosed in the application fortitle. All such liens or encumbrances shall be shown in the order of theirpriority, according to the information contained in such application.
(e) The certificate oftitle shall contain upon the reverse side an assignment of title or interestand warranty by registered owner or registered dealer. The purchaser'sapplication for North Carolina certificate of title shall be made on a formprescribed by the Commissioner and shall include a space for notation of liensand encumbrances on the vehicle at the time of transfer.
(f) Certificates oftitle upon which liens or encumbrances are shown shall be delivered or mailedby the Division to the holder of the first lien or encumbrance.
(g) Certificates oftitle shall bear thereon the seal of the Division.
(h) Certificates oftitle need not be renewed annually, but shall remain valid until canceled bythe Division for cause or upon a transfer of any interest shown therein. (1937,c. 407, s. 21; 1943, c. 715; 1961, c. 360, s. 2; c. 835, s. 5; 1963, c. 552, s.2; 1973, c. 72; c. 764, ss. 1‑3; c. 1118; 1975, c. 716, s. 5; 1979, c.139; 1981, c. 690, s. 20; 1983, c. 252; 1991, c. 193, s. 7.)