§ 20‑64. Transfer ofregistration plates to another vehicle.
(a) Except as otherwiseprovided in this Article, registration plates shall be retained by the ownerthereof upon disposition of the vehicle to which assigned, and may be assignedto another vehicle, belonging to such owner and of a like vehicle categorywithin the meaning of G.S. 20‑87 and 20‑88, upon proper applicationto the Division and payment of a transfer fee and such additional fees as maybe due because the vehicle to which the plates are to be assigned requires agreater registration fee than that vehicle to which the license plates werelast assigned. In cases where the plate is assigned to another vehiclebelonging to such owner, and is not of a like vehicle category within the meaningof G.S. 20‑87 and 20‑88, the owner shall surrender the plate to theDivision and receive therefor a plate of the proper category, and the unexpiredportion of the fee originally paid by the owner for the plate so surrenderedshall be a credit toward the fee charged for the new plate of the propercategory. Provided, that the owner shall not be entitled to a cash refund whenthe registration fee for the vehicle to which the plates are to be assigned isless than the registration fee for that vehicle to which the license plateswere last assigned. An owner assigning or transferring plates to anothervehicle as provided herein shall be subject to the same assessments andpenalties for use of the plates on another vehicle or for improper use of theplates, as he could have been for the use of the plates on the vehicle to whichlast assigned. Provided, however, that upon compliance with the requirements ofthis section, the registration plates of vehicles owned by and registered inthe name of a corporation may be transferred and assigned to a like vehiclecategory within the meaning of G.S. 20‑87 and 20‑88, upon theshowing that the vehicle to which the transfer and assignment is to be made isowned by a corporation which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporationapplying for such transfer and assignment.
(b) Upon a change ofthe name of a corporation or a change of the name under which a proprietorshipor partnership is doing business, the corporation, partnership orproprietorship shall forthwith apply for correction of the certificate of titleof all vehicles owned by such corporation, partnership or proprietorship so asto correctly reflect the name of the corporation or the name under which theproprietorship or partnership is doing business, and pay the fees required bylaw.
(c) Upon a change inthe composition of a partnership, ownership of vehicles belonging to suchpartnership shall not be deemed to have changed so long as one partner of thepredecessor partnership remains a partner in the reconstituted partnership, butthe reconstituted partnership shall forthwith apply for correction of thecertificate of title of all vehicles owned by such partnership so as tocorrectly reflect the composition of the partnership and the name under whichit is doing business, if any, and pay the fees required by law.
(d) When aproprietorship or partnership is incorporated, the corporation shall retainlicense plates assigned to vehicles belonging to it and may use the same,provided the corporation applies for and obtains transfers of the certificatesof title of all vehicles and pays the fees required by law.
(e) Upon death of theowner of a registered vehicle, such registration shall continue in force as avalid registration until the end of the year for which the license is issuedunless ownership of the vehicle passes or is transferred to any person otherthan the surviving spouse before the end of the year.
(f) The owner ortransferor of a registered vehicle who surrenders the registration plate to thedivision may secure a refund for the unexpired portion of such plate proratedon a monthly basis, beginning the first day of the month following surrender ofthe plate to the division, provided the annual fee of such surrendered plate issixty dollars ($60.00) or more. This refund may not exceed one half of theannual license fee. No refund shall be made unless the owner or transferorfurnishes proof of financial responsibility on the registered vehicle effectiveuntil the date of the surrender of the plate. Proof of financial responsibilityshall be furnished in a manner prescribed by the Commissioner.
(g) The Commissioner ofMotor Vehicles shall have the power to make such rules and regulations as hemay deem necessary for the administration of transfers of license plates andvehicles under this Article. (1937, c. 407, s. 28; 1945, c. 576, s. 1; 1947, c.914, s. 1; 1951, c. 188; c. 819, s. 1; 1961, c. 360, s. 5; 1963, cc. 1067,1190; 1967, c. 995; 1973, c. 1134; 1975, c. 716, s. 5; 1981, c. 227; 2004‑167,s. 1; 2004‑199, s. 59; 2007‑491, s. 5.)