§ 20‑64.2. Permit foremergency use of registration plate.
The Commissioner may, if inhis opinion it is equitable, grant to the licensee a special permit for the useof a registration plate on a vehicle other than the vehicle for which the platewas issued, when the vehicle for which such plate was issued is undergoingrepairs in a regular repair shop or garage.
Application for such permitshall be made on forms provided by the Division and must show, in addition tosuch other information as may be required by the Commissioner, that anemergency exists which would warrant the issuance of such permit.
Such permit shall be evidencedby a certificate issued by the Commissioner and which shall show the time ofissuance, the person to whom issued, the motor number, serial number oridentification number of the vehicle on which such plate is to be used andshall be in the immediate possession of the person operating such vehicle atall times while operating the same. And such certificate shall be valid only solong as the vehicle for which the registration plate has been issued shallremain in the repair shop or garage but not to exceed a period of 20 days fromits issuance. The person to whom the permit provided in this section is issuedshall be liable for any additional license fees or penalties that might accrueby reason of the provisions of G.S. 20‑86 and 20‑96 of the GeneralStatutes. (1957, c. 402; 1975, c. 716, s. 5.)