§ 20‑79.01. Specialsports event temporary license plates.
(a) Application. Adealer who is licensed under Article 12 of this Chapter and who agrees to loanto another for use at a special sports event a vehicle that could display adealer license plate if driven by an officer or employee of the dealer mayobtain a temporary special sports event license plate for that vehicle byfiling an application with the Division and paying the required fee. A"special sports event" is a sports event that is held no more thanonce a year and is open to the public. An application must be filed on a formprovided by the Division and contain the information required by the Division. The fee for a temporary special sports event license plate is five dollars($5.00).
(b) Form and Duration. A temporary special sports event license plate must state on the plate thedate it was issued, the date it expires, and the make, model, and serial numberof the vehicle for which it is issued. A temporary special sports event licenseplate may be issued for no more than 45 days. The dealer to whom the plate isissued must destroy the plate on or before the date it expires.
(c) Restrictions onUse. A temporary special sports event license plate may be displayed only onthe vehicle for which it is issued. A vehicle displaying a temporary specialsports event license plate may be driven by anyone who is licensed to drive thetype of vehicle for which the plate is issued and may be driven for anypurpose. (1993,c. 440, s. 13.)