§ 20‑79.1. (For expirationdate, see note) Use of temporary registration plates or markers by purchasersof motor vehicles in lieu of dealers' plates.
(a) The Division may,subject to the limitations and conditions hereinafter set forth, delivertemporary registration plates or markers designed by said Division to a dealerduly registered under the provisions of this Article who applies for at least25 such plates or markers and who encloses with such application a fee of onedollar ($1.00) for each plate or marker for which application is made. Suchapplication shall be made upon a form prescribed and furnished by the Division.Dealers, subject to the limitations and conditions hereinafter set forth, mayissue such temporary registration plates or markers to owners of vehicles,provided that such owners shall comply with the pertinent provisions of thissection.
(b) Every dealer whohas made application for temporary registration plates or markers shallmaintain in permanent form a record of all temporary registration plates ormarkers delivered to him, and shall also maintain in permanent form a record ofall temporary registration plates or markers issued by him, and in additionthereto, shall maintain in permanent form a record of any other information pertainingto the receipt or the issuance of temporary registration plates or markers thatthe Division may require. Each record shall be kept for a period of at leastone year from the date of entry of such record. Every dealer shall allow fulland free access to such records during regular business hours, to dulyauthorized representatives of the Division and to peace officers.
(c) Every dealer whoissues temporary registration plates or markers shall also issue a temporaryregistration certificate upon a form furnished by the Division and deliver itwith the registration plate or marker to the owner.
(d) A dealer shall:
(1) Not issue, assign,transfer, or deliver temporary registration plates or markers to anyone otherthan a bona fide purchaser or owner of a vehicle which he has sold.
(2) Not issue atemporary registration plate or marker without first obtaining from thepurchaser or owner a written application for titling and registration of thevehicle and the applicable fees.
(3) Within 10 workingdays, mail or deliver the application and fees to the Division or deliver theapplication and fees to a local license agency for processing. Delivery neednot be made if the contract for sale has been rescinded in writing by allparties to the contract.
(4) Not deliver atemporary registration plate to anyone purchasing a vehicle that has anunexpired registration plate that is to be transferred to the purchaser.
(5) Not lend to anyone,or use on any vehicle that he may own, any temporary registration plates or markers.
A dealer may issue temporarymarkers, without obtaining the written application for titling and registrationor collecting the applicable fees, to nonresidents for the purpose of removingthe vehicle from the State.
(e) Every dealer whoissues temporary plates or markers shall write clearly and indelibly on theface of the temporary registration plate or marker:
(1) The dates ofissuance and expiration;
(2) The make, motornumber, and serial numbers of the vehicle; and
(3) Any otherinformation that the Division may require.
It shall be unlawful for anyperson to issue a temporary registration plate or marker containing anymisstatement of fact or to knowingly write any false information on the face ofthe plate or marker.
(f) If the Divisionfinds that the provisions of this section or the directions of the Division arenot being complied with by the dealer, the Division may suspend, after ahearing, the right of a dealer to issue temporary registration plates ormarkers.
(g) Every person towhom temporary registration plates or markers have been issued shallpermanently destroy such temporary registration plates or markers immediatelyupon receiving the limited registration plates or the annual registrationplates from the Division: Provided, that if the limited registration plates orthe annual registration plates are not received within 30 days of the issuanceof the temporary registration plates or markers, the owner shall,notwithstanding, immediately upon the expiration of such 30‑day period,permanently destroy the temporary registration plates or markers.
(h) Temporaryregistration plates or markers shall expire and become void upon the receipt ofthe limited registration plates or the annual registration plates from theDivision, or upon the rescission of a contract to purchase a motor vehicle, orupon the expiration of 30 days from the date of issuance, depending uponwhichever event shall first occur. No refund or credit or fees paid by dealersto the Division for temporary registration plates or markers shall be allowed,except in the event that the Division discontinues the issuance of temporaryregistration plates or markers or unless the dealer discontinues business. Inthis event the unissued registration plates or markers with the unissuedregistration certificates shall be returned to the Division and the dealer maypetition for a refund. Upon the expiration of the 30 days from the date ofissuance, a second 30‑day temporary registration plate or marker may beissued by the dealer upon showing the vehicle has been sold, a temporary lienhas been filed as provided in G.S. 20‑58, and that the dealer, havingused reasonable diligence, is unable to obtain the vehicle's statement oforigin or certificate of title so that the lien may be perfected.
(i) A temporaryregistration plate or marker may be used on the vehicle for which issued onlyand may not be transferred, loaned, or assigned to another. In the event atemporary registration plate or marker or temporary registration certificate islost or stolen, the owner shall permanently destroy the remaining plate ormarker or certificate and no operation of the vehicle for which the lost orstolen registration certificate, registration plate or marker has been issuedshall be made on the highways until the regular license plate is received andattached thereto.
(j) The Commissionerof Motor Vehicles shall have the power to make such rules and regulations, notinconsistent herewith, as he shall deem necessary for the purpose of carryingout the provisions of this section.
(k) The provisions ofG.S. 20‑63, 20‑71, 20‑110 and 20‑111 shall apply inlike manner to temporary registration plates or markers as is applicable tonontemporary plates. (1957, c. 246, s. 1; 1963, c. 552, s. 8; 1975, c. 716, s. 5; 1985, c.95; c. 263; 1997‑327, ss. 1, 2; 2000‑182, s. 5; 2007‑471, s.1.)
§ 20‑79.1. (Foreffective date, see note) Use of temporary registration plates or markers bypurchasers of motor vehicles in lieu of dealers' plates.
(a) The Division may,subject to the limitations and conditions hereinafter set forth, delivertemporary registration plates or markers designed by said Division to a dealerduly registered under the provisions of this Article who applies for at least25 such plates or markers and who encloses with such application a fee of onedollar ($1.00) for each plate or marker for which application is made. Suchapplication shall be made upon a form prescribed and furnished by the Division.Dealers, subject to the limitations and conditions hereinafter set forth, mayissue such temporary registration plates or markers to owners of vehicles,provided that such owners shall comply with the pertinent provisions of thissection.
(b) Every dealer whohas made application for temporary registration plates or markers shallmaintain in permanent form a record of all temporary registration plates ormarkers delivered to him, and shall also maintain in permanent form a record ofall temporary registration plates or markers issued by him, and in addition thereto,shall maintain in permanent form a record of any other information pertainingto the receipt or the issuance of temporary registration plates or markers thatthe Division may require. Each record shall be kept for a period of at leastone year from the date of entry of such record. Every dealer shall allow fulland free access to such records during regular business hours, to dulyauthorized representatives of the Division and to peace officers.
(c) Every dealer whoissues temporary registration plates or markers shall also issue a temporaryregistration certificate upon a form furnished by the Division and deliver itwith the registration plate or marker to the owner.
(d) A dealer shall:
(1) Not issue, assign,transfer, or deliver temporary registration plates or markers to anyone otherthan a bona fide purchaser or owner of a vehicle which he has sold.
(2) Not issue atemporary registration plate or marker without first obtaining from thepurchaser or owner a written application for titling and registration of thevehicle and the applicable fees.
(3) Within 10 workingdays, mail or deliver the application and fees to the Division or deliver theapplication and fees to a local license agency for processing. Delivery neednot be made if the contract for sale has been rescinded in writing by allparties to the contract.
(4) Not deliver atemporary registration plate to anyone purchasing a vehicle that has anunexpired registration plate that is to be transferred to the purchaser.
(5) Not lend to anyone,or use on any vehicle that he may own, any temporary registration plates ormarkers.
A dealer may issue temporarymarkers, without obtaining the written application for titling and registrationor collecting the applicable fees, to nonresidents for the purpose of removingthe vehicle from the State.
(e) Every dealer whoissues temporary plates or markers shall write clearly and indelibly on theface of the temporary registration plate or marker:
(1) The dates ofissuance and expiration;
(2) The make, motor number,and serial numbers of the vehicle; and
(3) Any otherinformation that the Division may require.
It shall be unlawful for anyperson to issue a temporary registration plate or marker containing anymisstatement of fact or to knowingly write any false information on the face ofthe plate or marker.
(f) If the Divisionfinds that the provisions of this section or the directions of the Division arenot being complied with by the dealer, the Division may suspend, after ahearing, the right of a dealer to issue temporary registration plates ormarkers. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to require a dealer to collector receive property taxes from any person.
(g) Every person towhom temporary registration plates or markers have been issued shall permanentlydestroy such temporary registration plates or markers immediately uponreceiving the limited registration plates or the annual registration platesfrom the Division: Provided, that if the limited registration plates or theannual registration plates are not received within 30 days of the issuance ofthe temporary registration plates or markers, the owner shall, notwithstanding,immediately upon the expiration of such 30‑day period, permanentlydestroy the temporary registration plates or markers.
(h) Temporaryregistration plates or markers shall expire and become void upon the receipt ofthe limited registration plates or the annual registration plates from theDivision, or upon the rescission of a contract to purchase a motor vehicle, orupon the expiration of 30 days from the date of issuance, depending uponwhichever event shall first occur. No refund or credit or fees paid by dealersto the Division for temporary registration plates or markers shall be allowed,except in the event that the Division discontinues the issuance of temporaryregistration plates or markers or unless the dealer discontinues business. Inthis event the unissued registration plates or markers with the unissuedregistration certificates shall be returned to the Division and the dealer maypetition for a refund. Upon the expiration of the 30 days from the date ofissuance, a second 30‑day temporary registration plate or marker may beissued by the dealer upon showing the vehicle has been sold, a temporary lienhas been filed as provided in G.S. 20‑58, and that the dealer, havingused reasonable diligence, is unable to obtain the vehicle's statement oforigin or certificate of title so that the lien may be perfected.
(i) A temporaryregistration plate or marker may be used on the vehicle for which issued onlyand may not be transferred, loaned, or assigned to another. In the event atemporary registration plate or marker or temporary registration certificate islost or stolen, the owner shall permanently destroy the remaining plate ormarker or certificate and no operation of the vehicle for which the lost orstolen registration certificate, registration plate or marker has been issuedshall be made on the highways until the regular license plate is received andattached thereto.
(j) The Commissionerof Motor Vehicles shall have the power to make such rules and regulations, notinconsistent herewith, as he shall deem necessary for the purpose of carryingout the provisions of this section.
(k) The provisions ofG.S. 20‑63, 20‑71, 20‑110 and 20‑111 shall apply inlike manner to temporary registration plates or markers as is applicable tonontemporary plates. (1957, c. 246, s. 1; 1963, c. 552, s. 8; 1975, c. 716, s. 5; 1985, c.95; c. 263; 1997‑327, ss. 1, 2; 2000‑182, s. 5; 2007‑471, s.1; 2009‑445, s. 25(a))