§ 20‑79.4. Specialregistration plates.
(a) General. Uponapplication and payment of the required registration fees, a person may obtainfrom the Division a special registration plate for a motor vehicle registeredin that person's name if the person qualifies for the registration plate. Aholder of a special registration plate who becomes ineligible for the plate,for whatever reason, must return the special plate within 30 days. A specialregistration plate may not be issued for a vehicle registered under theInternational Registration Plan. A special registration plate may be issued fora commercial vehicle that is not registered under the InternationalRegistration Plan. A special registration plate may not be developed using aname or logo for which a trademark has been issued unless the holder of thetrademark licenses, without charge, the State to use the name or logo on thespecial registration plate.
(a1) Qualifying for aSpecial Plate. In order to qualify for a special plate, an applicant shallmeet all of the qualifications set out in this section. The Division of MotorVehicles shall verify the qualifications of an individual to whom any specialplate is issued to ensure only qualified applicants receive the requestedspecial plates.
(a2) Special Plates BasedUpon Military Service. The Division of Veterans Affairs shall be responsiblefor verifying and maintaining all verification documentation for all specialplates that are based upon military service. The Division shall not issue aspecial plate that is based on military service unless the application isaccompanied by a motor vehicle registration (MVR) verification form signed bythe Director of the Division of Veterans Affairs, or the Director's designee,showing that the Division of Veterans Affairs has verified the applicant'scredentials and qualifications to hold the special plate applied for.
(1) Unless a qualifyingcondition exists requiring annual verification, no additional verificationshall be required to renew a special registration plate either in person orthrough an online service.
(2) If the Division ofVeterans Affairs determines a special registration plate has been issued due toan error on the part of the Division of Motor Vehicles, the plate shall berecalled and canceled.
(3) If the Division ofVeterans Affairs determines a special registration plate has been issued to anapplicant who falsified documents or has fraudulently applied for the specialregistration plate, the Division of Motor Vehicles shall revoke the specialplate and take appropriate enforcement action.
(b) Types. TheDivision shall issue the following types of special registration plates:
(1) 82nd AirborneDivision Association Member. Issuable to a member of the 82nd AirborneDivision Association, Inc. The plate shall bear the insignia of the 82ndAirborne Division Association, Inc. The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(2) AdministrativeOfficer of the Courts. Issuable to the Director of the Administrative Officeof the Courts. The plate shall bear the phrase "J‑20".
(3) AIDS Awareness. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the phrase "Find a Cure" beside the logo of ared ribbon on the left side of the plate.
(4) Air Medal Recipient. Issuable to the recipient of the Air Medal. The plate shall bear the emblemof the Air Medal and the words "Air Medal".
(5) Alpha Kappa AlphaSorority. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plateshall bear the sorority's symbol and name. The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(6) Alpha Phi AlphaFraternity. Issuable to a member or supporter of the Alpha Phi AlphaFraternity in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear thefraternity's symbol and name.
(7) ALS Research. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the phrase "Nothing Less, Cure ALS" and the logoof the nonprofit group the ALS Association, Jim "Catfish" HunterChapter.
(8) Alternative FuelVehicles. Issuable to the registered owner of an alternative fuel vehicle. Theplate shall bear the words "Alternative Fuel Vehicle". The Divisionmust receive 300 or more applications for the plate before it may be developed.
(9) Amateur RadioOperator. Issuable to an amateur radio operator who holds an unexpired andunrevoked amateur radio license issued by the Federal Communications Commissionand who asserts to the Division that a portable transceiver is carried in thevehicle. The plate shall bear the phrase "Amateur Radio". The plateshall bear the operator's official amateur radio call letters, or call letterswith numerical or letter suffixes so that an owner of more than one vehicle mayhave the call letters on each.
(10) American Legion. Issuableto a member of the American Legion. The plate shall bear the words "AmericanLegion" and the emblem of the American Legion. The Division may not issuethe plate authorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300applications for the plate.
(11) Animal Lovers. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear a picture of a dog and cat and the phrase "ICare."
(12) ARC of NorthCarolina. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the logo of The ARC of NorthCarolina, Inc., and the phrase "The ARC".
(13) Audubon NorthCarolina. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the National Audubon Society,Inc., logo and a representation of a bird native to North Carolina.
(14) Autism Society ofNorth Carolina. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase"Autism Society of North Carolina", the phrase "Providing Support,Promoting Opportunities", and the logo of the Autism Society.
(15) Aviation MaintenanceTechnician. Issuable to a person who is a Federal Aviation Authoritycertified Aviation Maintenance Technician. The plate shall bear the logo of theF.A.A. Airworthiness Program and the initials "A.M.T." The Divisionmay not issue the plate authorized by this subdivision unless it receives atleast 300 applications for the plate.
(16) Back Country Horsemenof North Carolina. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear a picture of ahorseman trail riding and bear the phrase "Back Country Horsemen ofNC."
(17) Be Active NC. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the phrase "Be Active NC" and a representationof the "Be Active NC" logo.
(18) Brain InjuryAwareness. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "Brain InjuryAwareness" and the logo of the nonprofit group Brain Injury Association ofNorth Carolina, Inc.
(19) Breast CancerAwareness. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plateshall bear the phrase "Early Detection Saves Lives" and arepresentation of a pink ribbon. The Division must receive 300 or moreapplications for the plate before it may be developed.
(20) Breast Cancer EarlierDetection. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "Friends for AnEarlier Breast Cancer Test."
(21) Bronze Star CombatRecipient. Issuable to a recipient of the Bronze Star Medal for valor incombat. The plate shall bear the emblem of the Bronze Star with a "CombatV" emblem and the words "Bronze Star." To be eligible for thisplate, the applicant must provide documentation that the medal was issued forvalor in combat.
(22) Bronze StarRecipient. Issuable to a recipient of the Bronze Star. The plate shall bearthe emblem of the Bronze Star and the words "Bronze Star".
(23) Buddy PelletierSurfing Foundation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the words "BuddyPelletier Surfing Foundation" and bear the logo of the Foundation.
(24) Buffalo Soldiers. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the words "The Buffalo Soldiers" and the logo ofthe 9th & 10th (Horse) Cavalry Association of the Buffalo Soldiers GreaterNorth Carolina Chapter (BSGNCC).
(25) Carolina's AviationMuseum. This plate is issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase"Carolina's Aviation Museum" and a logo provided by the museum.
(26) Celebrate Adoption. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate shall bear thephrase "Celebrate Adoption" and a representation of a white ribbonwith a red heart on it. The Division must receive 300 or more applications forthe plate before it may be developed.
(27) Civic Club. Issuableto a member of a nationally recognized civic organization whose member clubs inthe State are exempt from State corporate income tax under G.S. 105‑130.11(a)(5).Examples of these clubs include Jaycees, Kiwanis, Optimist, Rotary, Ruritan,and Shrine. The plate shall bear a word or phrase identifying the civic cluband the emblem of the civic club. The Division may not issue a civic club plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthat civic club plate.
(28) Civil Air PatrolMember. Issuable to an active member of the North Carolina Wing of the CivilAir Patrol. The plate shall bear the phrase "Civil Air Patrol". Aplate issued to an officer member shall begin with the number "201"and the number shall reflect the seniority of the member; a plate issued to anenlisted member, a senior member, or a cadet member shall begin with the number"501".
(29) Class D Citizen's RadioStation Operator. Issuable to a Class D citizen's radio station operator. Foran operator who has been issued Class D citizen's radio station call letters bythe Federal Communications Commission, the plate shall bear the operator'sofficial Class D citizen's radio station call letters. For an operator who hasnot been issued Class D citizen's radio station call letters by the FederalCommunications Commission, the plate shall bear the phrase "Citizen's BandRadio".
(30) Clerk of SuperiorCourt. Issuable to a current or retired clerk of superior court. A plateissued to a current clerk shall bear the phrase "Clerk SuperiorCourt" and the letter "C" followed by a number that indicatesthe county the clerk serves. A plate issued to a retired clerk shall bear thephrase "Clerk Superior Court, Retired", the letter "C"followed by a number that indicates the county the clerk served, and the letter"X" indicating the clerk's retired status.
(31) Coast Guard AuxiliaryMember. Issuable to an active member of the United States Coast GuardAuxiliary. The plate shall bear the phrase "Coast Guard Auxiliary".
(32) Coastal ConservationAssociation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the logo and name ofthe Coastal Conservation Association.
(33) Cold War Veteran. Issuableto a veteran of the armed services of the United States who served during theCold War era, September 2, 1945, through December 26, 1991, and who wasseparated from the armed services under honorable conditions. The plate shallbear the words "Cold War Veteran" and an insignia representing theCold War era. The Division may not issue the plate authorized by thissubdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(34) Collegiate InsigniaPlate. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance withG.S. 20‑81.12. The plate may bear a phrase or an insignia representing apublic or private college or university.
(35) Combat Infantry BadgeRecipient. Issuable to a recipient of the Combat Infantry Badge. The plateshall bear the phrase "Combat Infantry Badge" and a representation ofthe Combat Infantry Badge. The Division may not issue the plate authorized bythis subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(36) Combat Veteran. Issuableto a veteran of the Armed Forces who served in a combat zone, or in watersadjacent to a combat zone, during a period of war and who was separated fromthe Armed Forces under honorable conditions. The Division may not issue theplate authorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300applications for the plate. A "period of war" is any of thefollowing:
a. World War I, whichbegan April 16, 1917, and ended November 11, 1918.
b. World War II, whichbegan December 7, 1941, and ended December 31, 1946.
c. The Korean Conflict,which began June 27, 1950, and ended January 31, 1955.
d. The Vietnam Era,which began August 5, 1964, and ended May 7, 1975.
e. The Persian GulfWar.
f. Any other campaign,expedition, or engagement for which the United States Department of Defenseauthorizes a campaign badge or medal.
(37) Commercial Fishing. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear a phrase and picture appropriate to the subject ofcommercial fishing in North Carolina. The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(38) Corvette Club. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate shall bear the flags logoof the Chevrolet Corvette. The Division may not issue the plate authorized bythis subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(39) County Commissioner. Issuable to a county commissioner of a county in this State. The plate shallbear the words "County Commissioner" followed first by a numberrepresenting the commissioner's county and then by a letter or number thatdistinguishes plates issued to county commissioners of the same county. Thenumber of a county shall be the order of the county in an alphabetical list ofcounties that assigns number one to the first county in the list and a letteror number to distinguish different cars owned by the county commissioners inthat county. The Division may not issue the plate authorized by thissubdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(40) Crystal Coast. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the words "Crystal Coast Artificial ReefAssociation" and a representation of a SCUBA diving flag.
(41) Daughters of theAmerican Revolution. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. Theplate may bear a phrase and picture appropriate to the organization. TheDivision may not issue the plate authorized by this subdivision unless itreceives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(42) Delta Sigma ThetaSorority. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plateshall bear the sorority's name and symbol. The Division must receive 300 ormore applications for the plate before it may be developed.
(43) Disabled Veteran. Issuableto a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States who suffered a 100%service‑connected disability.
(44) Distinguished FlyingCross. Issuable to a recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross. The plateshall bear the emblem of the Distinguished Flying Cross and the words"Distinguished Flying Cross".
(45) District Attorney. Issuableto a North Carolina or United States District Attorney. The plate issuable to aNorth Carolina district attorney shall bear the letters "DA" followedby a number that represents the prosecutorial district the district attorneyserves. The plate for a United States attorney shall bear the phrase "U.S.Attorney" followed by a number that represents the district the attorneyserves, with 1 being the Eastern District, 2 being the Middle District, and 3being the Western District.
(46) Ducks Unlimited. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the logo of Ducks Unlimited, Inc., and shall bear thewords: "Ducks Unlimited".
(47) E‑911Telecommunicator. Issuable to an active E‑911 Telecommunicator. Anactive E‑911 Telecommunicator is an individual employed by a publicsafety agency whose primary responsibility is to receive, process, transmit, ordispatch emergency and nonemergency calls for police, fire, emergency medical,and other public safety services via telephone and other communication devices.The plate shall bear the phrase "E‑911 Telecommunicator." TheDivision may not issue the plate authorized by this subdivision unless itreceives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(48) Eagle Scout. Issuableto a young man who has been certified as an Eagle Scout by the Boy Scouts ofAmerica, or to his parents or guardians. The plate shall bear the insignia ofthe Boy Scouts of America and shall bear the words "Eagle Scout". TheDivision may not issue the plate authorized by this subdivision unless itreceives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(49) El Pueblo. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑18.12.The plate shall bear the El Pueblo logo and the words "El Pueblo".The Division may not issue the plate authorized by this subdivision unless itreceives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(50) Emergency MedicalTechnician. Issuable to an emergency medical technician, as defined in G.S.131E‑155. The plate shall bear the Star of Life logo and the letters"EMT". The Division may not issue the plate authorized by thissubdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(51) Fire Department orRescue Squad Member. Issuable to an active regular member or volunteer memberof a fire department, rescue squad, or both a fire department and rescue squad.The plate shall bear the words "Firefighter", "RescueSquad", or "Firefighter‑Rescue Squad".
(52) First in Forestry. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate shall bear the words"First in Forestry". The Division may not issue the plate authorizedby this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(53) Fox Hunting. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate may bear a phrase and apicture representing fox hunting. The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(54) Fraternal Order ofPolice. The plate authorized by this subdivision shall bear a representationof the Fraternal Order of Police emblem containing the letters "FOP".The Division must receive 300 applications for the plate before it may be developed.The plate is issuable to one of the following:
a. A person whopresents proof of active membership in the State Lodge, Fraternal Order ofPolice for the year in which the license plate is sought.
b. The surviving spouseof a person who was a member of the State Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police, solong as the surviving spouse continues to renew the plate and does not remarry.
(55) Future Farmers ofAmerica. Issuable to a member or a supporter of the National Future Farmersof America Organization. The plate shall bear the emblem of the organizationand the letters "FFA". The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(56) Girl Scout Gold Awardrecipient. Issuable to a young woman who has been certified as a Girl ScoutGold Award recipient by the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., or to her parents orguardians. The plate shall bear the insignia of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.and shall bear the words "Girl Scout Gold Award". The Division maynot issue the plate authorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least300 applications for the plate.
(57) Gold Star LapelButton. Issuable to the recipient of the Gold Star lapel button. The plateshall bear the emblem of the Gold Star lapel button and the words "GoldStar".
(58) Goodness Grows. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the "Goodness Grows in North Carolina" logo andthe phrase "Agriculture: NC's #1 Industry".
(59) Greyhound Friends ofNorth Carolina. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase"Greyhound Friends of North Carolina" and a picture of a greyhound.
(60) Guilford BattlegroundCompany. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase"Revolutionary" used by the Guilford Battleground Company and animage that depicts General Nathaniel Greene.
(61) Harley Owners' Group. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S.20‑81.12. The plate shall be designed in consultation with and approvedby the Harley‑Davidson Motor Company, Inc., and shall bear the words andtrademark of the "Harley Owners' Group".
(62) High School InsigniaPlate. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance withG.S. 20‑81.12. The plate may bear a phrase or an insignia representing apublic high school in North Carolina.
(63) Historic VehicleOwner. Issuable for a motor vehicle that is at least 35 years old measuredfrom the date of manufacture. The plate for an historic vehicle shall bear theword "Antique" unless the vehicle is a model year 1943 or older. Theplate for a vehicle that is a model year 1943 or older shall bear the word"Antique" or the words "Horseless Carriage", at the optionof the vehicle owner.
(64) Historical AttractionPlate. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance withG.S. 20‑81.12. The plate may bear a phrase or an insignia representing apublicly owned or nonprofit historical attraction located in North Carolina.
(65) Home Care andHospice. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "Home Care andHospice" and the letters "HH" on the right side of the plate.
(66) HOMES4NC Plate. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear "HOMES4NC", the logo of the North CarolinaAssociation of Realtors Housing Opportunity Foundation, and shall be developedin conjunction with that organization. The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(67) Honorary Plate. Issuableto a member of the Honorary Consular Corps, who has been certified by the U. S.State Department, the plate shall bear the words "Honorary ConsularCorps" and a distinguishing number based on the order of issuance.
(68) Hospice Care. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the phrase "Hospice Care" and the letters"HC" on the right side of the plate.
(69) In God We Trust. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the phrase "In God We Trust."
(70) InternationalAssociation of Fire Fighters. The plate authorized by this subdivision shallbear the logo of the International Association of Fire Fighters. The Divisionmay not issue the plate unless it receives at least 300 applications for theplate. The plate is issuable to one of the following:
a. A person whopresents proof of active membership in the International Association of FireFighters for the year in which the license plate is sought.
b. The surviving spouseof a person who was a member of the International Association of Fire Fighters,so long as the surviving spouse continues to renew the plate and does notremarry.
(71) Judge or Justice. Issuableto a sitting or retired judge or justice in accordance with G.S. 20‑79.6.
(72) Juvenile DiabetesResearch Foundation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase"Juvenile Diabetes Research" and the "sneaker" logo of thenonprofit group Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International, Inc.
(73) Kappa Alpha PsiFraternity. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plateshall bear the fraternity's symbol and name. The Division may not issue theplate authorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300applications for the plate.
(74) Kids First. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear the phrase "Kids First" and a logo of children'shands.
(75) Legion of Valor. Issuableto a recipient of one of the following military decorations: the CongressionalMedal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Navy Cross, or the AirForce Cross. The plate shall bear the emblem and name of the recipient'sdecoration.
(76) Legislator. Issuableto a member of the North Carolina General Assembly. The plate shall bear"The Great Seal of the State of North Carolina" and, as appropriate,the word "Senate" or "House" followed by the Senator's orRepresentative's assigned seat number.
(77) Leukemia &Lymphoma Society. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase and logoprovided by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society that reflects "TEAM INTRAINING".
(78) Litter Prevention. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear a phrase and picture appropriate to the subject of litterprevention in North Carolina.
(79) Lung Cancer Research. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S.20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "Lung CancerResearch" and a representation of the American Lung Association's RedCross.
(80) Maggie Valley TroutFestival. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the Trout Festival logo.
(81) Magistrate. Issuableto a current or retired North Carolina magistrate. A plate issued to a currentmagistrate shall bear the letters "MJ" followed by a numberindicating the district court district the magistrate serves, then by a hyphen,and then by a number indicating the seniority of the magistrate. The Divisionshall use the number "9" to designate District Court Districts 9 and9B. A plate issued to a retired magistrate shall bear the phrase"Magistrate, Retired", the letters "MJX " followed by ahyphen and the number that indicates the district court district the magistrateserved, followed by a letter based on the order of issuance of the plates.
(82) March of Dimes. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear a phrase or an insignia representing the March of DimesFoundation.
(83) Marine Corps League. Issuable to a member of the Marine Corps League. The plate shall bear thewords "Marine Corps League" or the letters "MCL" and theemblem of the Marine Corps League. The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(84) Marshal. Issuableto a United States Marshal. The plate shall bear the phrase "U.S.Marshal" followed by a number that represents the district the Marshalserves, with 1 being the Eastern District, 2 being the Middle District, and 3being the Western District.
(85) Military Reservist. Issuable to a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces of the UnitedStates. The plate shall bear the name and insignia of the appropriate reservecomponent. Plates shall be numbered sequentially for members of a componentwith the numbers 1 through 5000 reserved for officers, without regard to rank.
(86) Military Retiree. Issuableto an individual who has retired from the Armed Forces of the United States.The plate shall bear the word "Retired" and the name and insignia ofthe branch of service from which the individual retired.
(87) Military Veteran. Issuableto an individual who served honorably in the armed services of the UnitedStates. The plate shall bear the words "U.S. Military Veteran" andthe name and insignia of the branch of service in which the individual served.The Division may not issue the plate authorized by this subdivision unless itreceives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(88) Military WartimeVeteran. Issuable to either a member or veteran of the armed services of theUnited States who served during a period of war. If the person is a veteran ofthe armed services, then the veteran must be separated from the armed servicesunder honorable conditions. The plate shall bear a word or phrase identifyingthe period of war and a replica of the campaign badge or medal awarded for thatwar. Except for World War II and Korean Conflict plates, the Division may notissue a plate authorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300applications for that plate. A "period of war" is any of thefollowing:
a. World War I, meaningthe period beginning April 16, 1917, and ending November 11, 1918.
b. World War II,meaning the period beginning December 7, 1941, and ending December 31, 1946.
c. The Korean Conflict,meaning the period beginning June 27, 1950, and ending January 31, 1955.
d. The Vietnam Era,meaning the period beginning August 5, 1964, and ending May 7, 1975.
e. Desert Storm,meaning the period beginning August 2, 1990, and ending April 11, 1991.
f. Operation EnduringFreedom, meaning the period beginning October 24, 2001, and ending at a date tobe determined.
g. Operation IraqiFreedom, meaning the period beginning March 19, 2003, and ending at a date tobe determined.
h. Any other campaign,expedition, or engagement for which the United States Department of Defenseauthorizes a campaign badge or medal.
(89) Mothers Against DrunkDriving. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate shallbear the letters "M.A.D.D." and the words "Mothers Against DrunkDriving". The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the platebefore it may be developed.
(90) National GuardMember. Issuable to an active or a retired member of the North CarolinaNational Guard. The plate shall bear the phrase "National Guard". Aplate issued to an active member shall bear a number that reflects the seniorityof the member; a plate issued to a commissioned officer shall begin with thenumber "1"; a plate issued to a noncommissioned officer with a rankof E7, E8, or E9 shall begin with the number "1601"; a plate issuedto an enlisted member with a rank of E6 or below shall begin with the number"3001". The plate issued to a retired or separated member shallindicate the member's retired status.
(91) National KidneyFoundation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear a phrase and logo selected bythe Foundation.
(92) National MultipleSclerosis Society. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall have the logo of theNational Multiple Sclerosis Society and the telephone number "1‑800‑FIGHTMS" on the plate.
(93) National RifleAssociation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plateshall bear a phrase or insignia representing the National Rifle Association ofAmerica. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the platebefore it may be developed.
(94) National Wild TurkeyFederation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plateshall bear the design of a strutting wild turkey and dogwood blossoms and thewords "Working For The Wild Turkey." The Division must receive 300 ormore applications for the plate before it may be developed.
(95) Native American. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate may bear a phrase or aninsignia representing Native Americans. The Division must receive 300 or moreapplications for the plate before it may be developed.
(96) NC Agribusiness. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the logo of the North Carolina Agribusiness Council, Inc.,and the phrase "NC's #1 Industry".
(97) NC Children'sPromise. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "N.C. Children'sPromise" and a logo representing the North Carolina Children's Promiseorganization.
(98) NC CoastalFederation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear a phrase used by the NorthCarolina Coastal Federation and an image that depicts the coastal area of theState.
(99) NC Tennis Foundation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S.20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "Play Tennis" and theimage of an implement of the tennis sport.
(100) NC Trout Unlimited. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the phrase "Back the Brookie" and an image thatdepicts a North Carolina brook trout.
(101) North Carolina 4‑HDevelopment Fund. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate may bear a phrase or insigniarepresenting The North Carolina 4‑H Development Fund.
(102) North CarolinaLibraries. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the words "North CarolinaLibraries" and bear the international logo for libraries. The Divisionmust receive 300 or more applications for the plate before it may be developed.
(103) North CarolinaWildlife Habitat Foundation. Issuable to the owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the logo of the NorthCarolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation on the left side and the background of theentire plate shall be beige or tan color. The numbers or other writing on theplate shall be black and the border shall be black. The plate shall bedeveloped by the Division in consultation with and approved by the NorthCarolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation. The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(104) Nurses. Issuable tothe registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "First in Nursing" and arepresentation relating to nursing.
(105) Olympic Games. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear a phrase or insignia representing the Olympic Games.
(106) Omega Psi PhiFraternity. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the fraternity's symbol andname.
(107) Paramedics. Issuableto an emergency medical technician‑paramedic, as defined in G.S. 131E‑155.The plate shall bear the Star of Life logo and the phrase "ProfessionalParamedic". The Division may not issue the plate authorized by thissubdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(108) Partially DisabledVeteran. Issuable to a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States whosuffered a service connected disability of less than 100%.
(109) Pearl Harbor Survivor. Issuable to a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States who waspresent at and survived the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Theplate will bear the phrase "Pearl Harbor Survivor" and the insigniaof the Pearl Harbor Survivors' Association.
(110) Personalized. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate will bear the letters orletters and numbers requested by the owner. The Division may refuse to issue aplate with a letter combination that is offensive to good taste and decency.The Division may not issue a plate that duplicates another plate.
(111) POWIA. Issuable tothe owner of a motor vehicle. The plate shall bear the official POWIA logo. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the plate before it may bedeveloped.
(112) Prince Hall Mason. Thisplate is issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance withG.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "Prince HallMason" and a picture of the Masonic symbol.
(113) Prisoner of War. Issuableto the following:
a. A member or veteranmember of the Armed Forces of the United States who has been captured and heldprisoner by forces hostile to the United States while serving in the ArmedForces.
b. The surviving spouseof a person who had a prisoner of war plate at the time of death so long as thesurviving spouse continues to renew the plate and does not remarry.
(114) Professional SportsFan. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate shallbear the logo of a professional sports team located in North Carolina. TheDivision shall receive 300 or more applications for a professional sports fanplate before a plate may be issued.
(115) Prostate CancerAwareness. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plateshall bear the phrase "Prostate Cancer Awareness" and arepresentation of a blue ribbon. The Division must receive 300 or moreapplications for the plate before it may be developed.
(116) Purple HeartRecipient. Issuable to a recipient of the Purple Heart award. The plate shallbear the phrase "Purple Heart Veteran, Combat Wounded" and theletters "PH".
(117) Red Hat Society. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate shall bear arepresentation of The Red Hat Society. The Division must receive 300 or moreapplications for the plate before it may be developed.
(118) Register of Deeds. Issuableto a register of deeds. The plate shall bear the words "Register ofDeeds" and the letter "R" followed by a number representing thecounty of the register of deeds. The number of a county shall be the order ofthe county in an alphabetical list of counties that assigns number one to thefirst county in the list.
(119) Retired LawEnforcement Officers. The plate authorized by this subdivision shall bear thephrase "Retired Law Enforcement Officer " and a representation of alaw enforcement badge. The Division must receive 300 or more applications forthe plate before it may be developed. The plate is issuable to one of thefollowing:
a. A retired lawenforcement officer presenting to the Division, along with the application forthe plate, a copy of the officer's retired identification card or letter ofretirement.
b. The surviving spouseof a person who had a retired law enforcement officer plate at the time ofdeath so long as the surviving spouse continues to renew the plate and does notremarry.
(120) Retired State HighwayPatrol. The plate authorized by this subdivision shall bear the phrase"SHP, Retired." The Division may not issue the plate authorized bythis subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.The plate is issuable to one of the following:
a. An individual whohas retired from the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, presenting to theDivision, along with the application for the plate, a copy of the retiree'sretired identification card or letter of retirement.
b. The surviving spouseof a person who had retired from the State Highway Patrol who, along with theapplication for the plate, presents a copy of the deceased retiree's identificationcard or letter of retirement and certifies in writing that the retiree isdeceased and that the applicant is not remarried.
(121) Rocky Mountain ElkFoundation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "Rocky MountainElk Foundation" and a logo approved by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation,Inc.
(122) Save the Sea Turtles. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S.20‑81.12. The plate may bear the phrase "Save the Sea Turtles"and a representation related to sea turtles.
(123) Scenic Rivers. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the words "Scenic Rivers" and a picturerepresenting the unique beauty of the scenic rivers of North Carolina.
(124) School Technology. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear a phrase or an insignia representing the public schoolsystem in North Carolina.
(125) SCUBA. Issuable tothe registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the phrase "SCUBA" and a logo of the Diver DownFlag.
(126) Shag Dancing. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear the phrase "I'd Rather Be Shaggin"' and a picturerepresenting shag dancing.
(127) Share the Road. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear a representation of a bicycle and the phrase "Sharethe Road".
(128) Sheriff. Issuable toa current sheriff or to a retired sheriff who served as sheriff for at least 10years before retiring. A plate issued to a current sheriff shall bear the word"Sheriff" and the letter "S" followed by a number thatindicates the county the sheriff serves. A plate issued to a retired sheriffshall bear the phrase "Sheriff, Retired", the letter "S"followed by a number that indicates the county the sheriff served, and theletter "X" indicating the sheriff's retired status.
(129) Silver Star Recipient. Issuable to a recipient of the Silver Star. The plate shall bear the emblemof the Silver Star and the words "Silver Star".
(130) Soil and WaterConservation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate may bear a phrase and pictureappropriate to the subject of water quality and environmental protection inNorth Carolina.
(131) Special ForcesAssociation. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear a representation ofthe Special Forces Association shoulder patch with tabs and shall bear thewords "Special Forces Association."
(132) Special Olympics. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear a phrase or an insignia representing the North CarolinaSpecial Olympics.
(133) Sport Fishing. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear a phrase and picture appropriate to the subject of sportfishing in North Carolina. The Division may not issue the plate authorized bythis subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(134) Square Dance Clubs. Issuableto a member of a recognized square dance organization exempt from corporateincome tax under G.S. 105‑130.11(a)(5). The plate shall bear a word orphrase identifying the club and the emblem of the club. The Division shall notissue a dance club plate authorized by this subdivision unless it receives atleast 300 applications for that dance club plate.
(135) State Attraction. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate may bear a phrase or an insignia representing a publicly owned ornonprofit State or federal attraction located in North Carolina.
(136) State GovernmentOfficial. Issuable to elected and appointed members of State government inaccordance with G.S. 20‑79.5.
(137) Stock Car RacingTheme. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle pursuant to G.S.20‑81.12. This is a series of plates bearing an emblem, seal, othersymbol or design displaying themes of professional stock car auto racing, orprofessional stock car auto racing drivers. The Division shall not develop anyplate in the series without a license to use copyrighted or registered words,symbols, trademarks, or designs associated with the plate. The plate shall bedesigned in consultation with and approved by the person authorized to providethe State with the license to use the words, symbols, trademarks, or designsassociated with the plate. The Division shall not pay a royalty for the licenseto use the copyrighted or registered words, symbols, trademarks, or designsassociated with the plate.
(138) Street Rod Owner. Issuableto the registered owner of a modernized private passenger motor vehiclemanufactured prior to the year 1949 or designed to resemble a vehiclemanufactured prior to the year 1949. The plate shall bear the phrase"Street Rod". The Division may not issue the plate authorized by thissubdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(139) Support Our Troops. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear a picture of a soldier and a child and shall bear thewords: "Support Our Troops".
(140) Surveyor Plate. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear the words "Following In Their Footsteps" andshall bear a picture of a transit.
(141) Sweet Potato. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate may bear a phrase andpicture representing the State's official vegetable, the sweet potato. TheDivision may not issue the plate authorized by this subdivision unless itreceives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(142) Tarheel ClassicThunderbird Club. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle. Theplate shall bear the logo of the Tarheel Classic Thunderbird Club and thephrase "Tarheel Classic Thunderbird Club". The Division may not issuethe plate authorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applicationsfor the plate.
(143) Tobacco Heritage. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate shall bear a picture of atobacco leaf and plow. The Division may not issue the plate authorized by thissubdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications for the plate.
(144) TransportationPersonnel. Issuable to various members of the Divisions of the Department ofTransportation. The plate shall bear the letters "DOT" followed by anumber from 1 to 85, as designated by the Governor.
(145) US Equine RescueLeague. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordancewith G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the phrase "United StatesEquine Rescue League", and a depiction of two horses in a circle.
(146) U.S. Navy Specialty. Issuable to a veteran of the United States Navy Submariner Service. The plateshall bear the phrase "Silent Service Veteran" and shall bear arepresentation of the Submarine Service Qualification pin. The Division may notissue the plate authorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300applications for the plate.
(147) U.S. Representative. Issuable to a United States Representative for North Carolina. The plate shallbear the phrase "U.S. House" and shall be issued on the basis ofCongressional district numbers.
(148) U.S. Senator. Issuableto a United States Senator for North Carolina. The plates shall bear the phrase"U.S. Senate" and shall be issued on the basis of seniorityrepresented by the numbers 1 and 2.
(149) University HealthSystems of Eastern Carolina. Issuable to the registered owner of a motorvehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate may bear a phrase orinsignia representing the University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina.
(150) The V Foundation forCancer Research. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle inaccordance with G.S. 20‑81.12. The plate shall bear a phrase and insigniarepresenting The V Foundation for Cancer Research.
(151) Veterans of ForeignWars. Issuable to a member or a supporter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.The plate shall bear the words "Veterans of Foreign Wars" or"VFW" and the emblem of the VFW. The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(152) Watermelon. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle. The plate shall bear a picturerepresenting a slice of watermelon. The Division may not issue the plateauthorized by this subdivision unless it receives at least 300 applications forthe plate.
(153) Wildlife Resources. Issuableto the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S. 20‑81.12.The plate shall bear a picture representing a native wildlife species occurringin North Carolina.
(154) Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Issuable to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with G.S.20‑81.12. The plate shall bear the sorority's name and symbol.
(c) Repealed by SessionLaws 1991 (Regular Session, 1992), c. 1042, s. 1. (1991, c. 672, s. 2; c. 726,s. 23; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1042, s. 1; 1993, c. 543, s. 2; 1995, c.326, ss. 1‑3; c. 433, ss. 1, 4.1; 1997‑156, s. 1; 1997‑158,s. 1; 1997‑339, s. 1; 1997‑427, s. 1; 1997‑461, ss. 2‑4;1997‑477, s. 1; 1997‑484, ss. 1‑3; 1998‑155, s. 1; 1998‑160,ss. 1, 2; 1998‑163, ss. 3‑5; 1999‑220, s. 3.1; 1999‑277,s. 1; 1999‑314, s. 1; 1999‑403, s. 1; 1999‑450, s. 1; 1999‑452,s. 16; 2000‑159, ss. 1, 2; 2001‑40, s. 1; 2001‑483, s. 1;2001‑498, ss. 1(a), 1(b), 2; 2002‑134, ss. 1‑4; 2002‑159,s. 68; 2003‑10, s. 1; 2003‑11, s. 1; 2003‑68, s. 1; 2003‑424,s. 2; 2004‑131, s. 2; 2004‑182, s. 1; 2004‑185, s. 2; 2004‑200,s. 1; 2005‑216, ss. 2, 3; 2006‑209, ss. 2, 7; 2007‑400, s. 2;2007‑470, s. 1; 2007‑483, ss. 2, 8(d); 2007‑522, s. 1; 2009‑121,s. 1; 2009‑274, s. 4; 2009‑376, s. 1.)