§ 20‑8. Persons exemptfrom license.
The following are exempt fromlicense hereunder:
(1) Any person whileoperating a motor vehicle the property of and in the service of the ArmedForces of the United States. This shall not be construed to exempt any operatorsof the United States Civilian Conservation Corps motor vehicles;
(2) Any person whiledriving or operating any road machine, farm tractor, or implement of husbandrytemporarily operated or moved on a highway;
(3) A nonresident who isat least 16 years of age who has in his immediate possession a valid driver'slicense issued to him in his home state or country if the nonresident isoperating a motor vehicle in this State in accordance with the licenserestrictions and vehicle classifications that would be applicable to him underthe laws and regulations of his home state or country if he were driving in hishome state or country. This exemption specifically applies to nonresidentmilitary spouses, regardless of their employment status, who are temporarilyresiding in North Carolina due to the active duty military orders of a spouse.
(4) to (6) Repealed by SessionLaws 1979, c. 667, s. 13.
(7) Any person who is atleast 16 years of age and while operating a moped. (1935, c. 52, s. 3; 1963, c.1175; 1973, c. 1017; 1975, c. 859, s. 2; 1979, c. 574, s. 7; c. 667, s. 13;1983, c. 436; 2009‑274, s. 4.)