§ 20‑81.12. Collegiateinsignia plates and certain other special plates.
(a) Collegiate InsigniaPlates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a collegiateinsignia license plate for a college or university before a collegiate licenseplate may be developed. The color, design, and material for the plate must beapproved by both the Division and the alumni or alumnae association of theappropriate college or university. The Division must transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of in‑State collegiate insignia plates to the Board of Governors ofThe University of North Carolina for in‑State, public colleges anduniversities and to the respective board of trustees for in‑State,private colleges and universities in proportion to the number of collegiateplates sold representing that institution for use for academic enhancement.
(b) HistoricalAttraction Plates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for anhistorical attraction plate representing a publicly owned or nonprofithistorical attraction located in North Carolina and listed below before theplate may be developed. The Division must transfer quarterly the money in theCollegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale ofhistorical attraction plates to the organizations named below in proportion tothe number of historical attraction plates sold representing that organization:
(1) HistoricalAttraction Within Historic District. The revenue derived from the specialplate shall be transferred quarterly to the appropriate Historic PreservationCommission, or entity designated as the Historic Preservation Commission, andused to maintain property in the historic district in which the attraction islocated. As used in this subdivision, the term "historic district"means a district created under G.S. 160A‑400.4.
(2) Nonprofit HistoricalAttraction. The revenue derived from the special plate shall be transferredquarterly to the nonprofit corporation that is responsible for maintaining theattraction for which the plate is issued and used to develop and operate theattraction.
(3) State Historic Site. The revenue derived from the special plate shall be transferred quarterly tothe Department of Cultural Resources and used to develop and operate the sitefor which the plate is issued. As used in this subdivision, the term"State historic site" has the same meaning as in G.S. 121‑2(11).
(b1) Special OlympicsPlates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a specialolympics plate before the plate may be developed. The Division must transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of special olympics plates to the North Carolina SpecialOlympics, Inc., to be used to train volunteers to assist in the statewide gamesand to help pay the costs of the statewide games.
(b2) State AttractionPlates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a Stateattraction plate before the plate may be developed. The Division must transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of State attraction plates to the organizations namedbelow in proportion to the number of State attraction plates sold representingthat organization:
(1) Blue Ridge ParkwayFoundation. The revenue derived from the special plate shall be transferredquarterly to Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation for use in promoting and preservingthe Blue Ridge Parkway as a scenic attraction in North Carolina. A person mayobtain from the Division a special registration plate under this subdivisionfor the registered owner of a motor vehicle or a motorcycle. The registrationfees and the restrictions on the issuance of a specialized registration platefor a motorcycle are the same as for any motor vehicle. The Division mustreceive a minimum of 300 applications to develop a special registration platefor a motorcycle.
(1c) Friends of the GreatSmoky Mountains National Park. The revenue derived from the special plateshall be transferred quarterly to the Friends of the Great Smoky MountainsNational Park, Inc., to be used for educational materials, preservationprograms, capital improvements for the portion of the Great Smoky MountainsNational Park that is located in North Carolina, and operating expenses of theGreat Smoky Mountains National Park.
(1g) Friends of theAppalachian Trail. The revenue derived from the special plate shall betransferred quarterly to The Appalachian Trail Conference to be used foreducational materials, preservation programs, trail maintenance, trailway andviewshed acquisitions, trailway and viewshed easement acquisitions, capitalimprovements for the portions of the Appalachian Trail and connecting trailsthat are located in North Carolina, and related administrative and operatingexpenses.
(1i) North Carolina StateParks. One‑half of the revenue derived from the special plate shall betransferred quarterly to Natural Heritage Trust Fund established under G.S. 113‑77.7,and the remaining revenue shall be transferred quarterly to the Parks andRecreation Trust Fund established under G.S. 113‑44.15.
(1j) The North CarolinaAquariums. The revenue derived from the special plate shall be transferredquarterly to the North Carolina Aquarium Society, Inc., for its programs insupport of the North Carolina Aquariums.
(1m) The North CarolinaArboretum. The revenue derived from the special plate shall be transferredquarterly to The North Carolina Arboretum Society and used to help the Societyobtain grants for the North Carolina Arboretum and for capital improvements tothe North Carolina Arboretum.
(1p) The North CarolinaMaritime Museum. The revenue derived from the special plate shall be transferredquarterly to Friends of the Museum, North Carolina Maritime Museum, Inc., to beused for educational programs and conservation programs and for operatingexpenses of the North Carolina Maritime Museum.
(1t) The North CarolinaMuseum of Natural Sciences. The revenue derived from the special plate shallbe transferred quarterly to the Friends of the North Carolina State Museum ofNatural Sciences for its programs in support of the museum.
(2) The North CarolinaZoological Society. The revenue derived from the special plate shall betransferred quarterly to The North Carolina Zoological Society, Incorporated,to be used for educational programs and conservation programs at the NorthCarolina Zoo at Asheboro and for operating expenses of the North Carolina Zooat Asheboro.
(b3) Wildlife ResourcesPlates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a wildliferesources plate with a picture representing a particular native wildlifespecies occurring in North Carolina before the plate may be developed. TheDivision must transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of wildlife resources plates tothe Wildlife Conservation Account established by G.S. 143‑247.2.
(b4) Olympic Games. TheDivision may not issue an Olympic Games special plate unless it receives 300 ormore applications for the plate and the U.S. Olympic Committee licenses,without charge, the State to develop a plate bearing the Olympic Games symboland name. The Division must transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate andCultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale of Olympic Games platesto the N.C. Health and Fitness Foundation, Inc., which will allocate the fundsas follows:
(1) Fifty percent (50%) tothe U.S. Olympic Committee to assist in training olympic athletes.
(2) Twenty‑fivepercent (25%) to North Carolina Amateur Sports to assist with administration ofthe State Games of North Carolina.
(3) Twenty‑fivepercent (25%) to the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health tosupport local fitness council development throughout North Carolina.
(b5) March of DimesPlates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a March ofDimes plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shall transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of March of Dimes plates to the Eastern Carolina Chapterof the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. The Eastern Carolina Chaptershall disperse the revenue proportionately among the Eastern Carolina Chapter,the Western Carolina Chapter, the Greater Triad Chapter, and the GreaterPiedmont Chapter of the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation based upon thepopulation of the area each Chapter represents. The money must be used for theprevention of birth defects through local community services and educationalprograms and through research and development.
(b6) School TechnologyPlates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a SchoolTechnology plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shall transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of School Technology plates to the State SchoolTechnology Fund, which is established under G.S. 115C‑102.6D.
(b7) Scenic RiversPlates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a ScenicRivers plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shall transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of Scenic Rivers plates to the Clean Water ManagementTrust Fund established in G.S. 113A‑253.
(b8) Soil and WaterConservation Plates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for asoil and water conservation plate before the plate may be developed. TheDivision shall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of the soil and waterconservation plates to the Soil and Water Conservation Account established inG.S. 143B‑297.1.
(b9) Kids First Plates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a Kids First platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of Kids First plates to the North Carolina Children's Trust Fundestablished in G.S. 7B‑1302.
(b10) University HealthSystems of Eastern Carolina. The Division must receive 300 or moreapplications for a University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina plate beforethe plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly the money inthe Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale ofUniversity Health Systems of Eastern Carolina plates to the Pitt MemorialHospital Foundation, Inc., for use in the Children's Hospital of Eastern NorthCarolina.
(b11) Animal Lovers Plates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications before an animal loversplate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly the money in theCollegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale of theanimal lovers plate to the Spay/Neuter Account established in G.S. 19A‑60.
(b12) Support PublicSchools Plates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for aSupport Public Schools plate before the plate may be developed. The Divisionshall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural AttractionPlate Account derived from the sale of Support Public Schools plates to theFund for the Reduction of Class Size in Public Schools created pursuant to G.S.115C‑472.10.
(b13) Ducks UnlimitedPlates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a DucksUnlimited plate and receive any necessary licenses from Ducks Unlimited, Inc.,for use of their logo before the plate may be developed. The Division shalltransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of Ducks Unlimited plates to the WildlifeResources Commission to be used to support the conservation programs of DucksUnlimited, Inc., in this State.
(b14) Omega Psi PhiFraternity Plates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for anOmega Psi Phi Fraternity plate and receive any necessary licenses, withoutcharge, from Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, before the plate may bedeveloped. The Division must transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate andCultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale of Omega Psi PhiFraternity plates to the Carolina Uplift Foundation, Inc., for youth activityand scholarship programs.
(b15) Litter PreventionPlates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a LitterPrevention plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shall transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of the litter prevention plates to the Litter PreventionAccount created pursuant to G.S. 136‑125.1.
(b16) Goodness Grows Plates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a Goodness Grows platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of Goodness Grows plates to the North Carolina Agricultural Promotions,Inc., to be used to promote the sale of North Carolina agricultural products.
(b17) Audubon NorthCarolina Plates. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for anAudubon North Carolina plate before the plate may be developed. The Divisionmust transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural AttractionPlate Account derived from the sale of Audubon North Carolina plates to theNational Audubon Society, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, for the account of theNC State Office to be used for bird and other wildlife conservation andeducational activities in the State of North Carolina.
(b18) Special ForcesAssociation. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a SpecialForces Association plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shalltransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of Special Forces Association plates to theAirborne & Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
(b19) The V Foundation forCancer Research. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a VFoundation plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shall transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of V Foundation plates to The V Foundation for CancerResearch to fund cancer research grants.
(b20) Save the Sea Turtles. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a Save the Sea Turtlesplate before the plate may be developed. The Division must transfer quarterlythe money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived fromthe sale of Save the Sea Turtles plates to The Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescueand Rehabilitation Center.
(b21) Harley Owners' Group. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a Harley Owners' Groupplate before the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterlythe money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived fromthe sale of Harley Owners' Group plates to the State Board of CommunityColleges to support the motorcycle safety instruction program establishedpursuant to G.S. 115D‑72.
(b22) Rocky Mountain ElkFoundation. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a RockyMountain Elk Foundation plate before the plate may be developed. The Divisionmust transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural AttractionAccount derived from the sale of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation plates to RockyMountain Elk Foundation, Inc.
(b23) NC Agribusiness. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for a NC Agribusiness platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division must transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of NC Agribusiness plates to the North Carolina Agribusiness Council,Inc., to be used to promote awareness of the importance of agribusiness inNorth Carolina.
(b24) Nurses. The Divisionmust receive 300 or more applications for a Nurses plate before the plate maybe developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiateand Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale of Nurses plates tothe NC Foundation for Nursing for nursing scholarships for citizens of NorthCarolina to be awarded annually.
(b25) NC CoastalFederation. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a NCCoastal Federation plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shalltransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of NC Coastal Federation plates to the NorthCarolina Coastal Federation, Inc.
(b26) Be Active NC. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the Be Active NC platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of the Be Active NC plates to Be Active North Carolina, Inc., to be usedto promote physical activity in North Carolina communities.
(b27) Buffalo Soldiers. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the Buffalo Soldiers platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of the Buffalo Soldiers plates to the 9th & 10th (Horse) CavalryAssociation of the Buffalo Soldiers Greater North Carolina Chapter (BSGNCC) forits public outreach programs.
(b28) Crystal Coast. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the Crystal Coast platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of Crystal Coast plates to the Crystal Coast Artificial Reef Associationto be used to promote scuba diving off the Crystal Coast.
(b29) Surveyor Plate. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for a Surveyor plate before theplate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly the money in theCollegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale ofSurveyor plates to The North Carolina Society of Surveyors EducationFoundation, Inc., for public educational programs.
(b30) Zeta Phi BetaSorority. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a Zeta PhiBeta Sorority plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shalltransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority plates to the Zeta PhiBeta Sorority Education Foundation, through the Raleigh office, for the benefitof undergraduate scholarships in this State.
(b31) In God We Trust. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the In God We Trust platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of the In God We Trust plates to the Department of Crime Control andPublic Safety to be deposited into The N.C. National Guard Soldiers and AirmenAssistance Fund of The Minuteman Partnership to help provide assistance to thefamilies of North Carolina National Guardsmen who have been activated anddeployed in federal service.
(b32) North Carolina 4‑HDevelopment Fund. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for aNorth Carolina 4‑H Development Fund plate before the plate may bedeveloped. The Division shall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiateand Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale of North Carolina 4‑HDevelopment Fund plates to The North Carolina 4‑H Development Fund, to beused to support county and State 4‑H programs and to provide funding forrepairs and renovations at North Carolina 4‑H camps and conferencecenters.
(b33) High School InsigniaPlate. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a high schoolinsignia plate for a public high school in North Carolina before a high schoolinsignia plate may be issued for that school. The Division must transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of high school insignia plates to the Department ofPublic Instruction to be deposited into the State Aid to Local SchoolAdministrative Units account. The Division must also send the Department ofPublic Instruction information as to the number of plates sold representing aparticular high school. The Department of Public Instruction must annuallytransfer the money in the State Aid to Local School Administrative Unitsaccount that is derived from the sale of the high school insignia plates to thehigh schools which have a high school insignia plate in proportion to the numberof high school insignia plates sold representing that school. The high schoolmust use the money for academic enhancement.
(b34) HOMES4NC. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the HOMES4NC plate beforethe plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly the money inthe Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale ofthe HOMES4NC plates to the NCAR Housing Opportunity Foundation to promote safe,decent, and affordable housing for all in North Carolina.
(b35) First in Forestry. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the First in Forestry platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly one‑halfof the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derivedfrom the sale of the First in Forestry plates to the Division of ForestResources for a State forests and forestry education program and shall transferquarterly one‑half of the money in the Collegiate and Cultural AttractionPlate Account derived from the sale of the First in Forestry plates to theForest Education and Conservation Foundation for their programs.
(b36) El Pueblo. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the El Pueblo plate beforethe plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly the money inthe Collegiate and Cultural Plate Account derived from the sale of the ElPueblo plates to El Pueblo, Inc., for its Scholarship Fund which providesscholarships for Latino students entering any community college, college, oruniversity in North Carolina.
(b37) Daughters of theAmerican Revolution. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for aDaughters of the American Revolution plate before the plate may be developed.The Division shall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of Daughters of the AmericanRevolution plates to the North Carolina Daughters of the American RevolutionLicense Plate Trust Fund located in Wilmington, North Carolina, to be used tocarry out the objectives of the National Society Daughters of the AmericanRevolution including the protection of historical spots and the erection ofmonuments, the encouragement and support of historical research and educationalendeavors, the preservation of historical documents and relics, and thepromotion of all patriotic celebrations.
(b38) Stock Car RacingTheme. The Division may issue any plate in this series without a minimumnumber of applications if the person providing the State with the license touse the words, logos, trademarks, or designs associated with the plate producesthe plate for the State without a minimum order quantity.
The cost of the Stock CarRacing Theme plate shall include all costs to produce blank plates for issuanceby the Division. Notwithstanding G.S. 66‑58(b), the Division or theDepartment of Correction may contract for the production of the blank plates inthis series to be issued by the Division, provided the plates meet or exceedthe State's specifications including durability and retroreflectivity, andprovided the plates are manufactured using high‑quality embossablealuminum. The cost of the blank plates to the State shall be substantiallyequivalent to the price paid to the Department of Correction for license tags,as provided in G.S. 66‑58(b)(15).
The Division shall transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of Stock Car Racing Theme plates to the North CarolinaMotorsports Foundation, Inc.
(b39) Alpha Phi AlphaFraternity. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the AlphaPhi Alpha Fraternity plate before the plate may be developed. The Divisionshall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural AttractionPlate Account derived from the sale of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity plates tothe Association of North Carolina Alphamen (ANCA) Educational Foundation forscholarships for the benefit of African‑American males in ANCA attendingaccredited North Carolina colleges and universities.
(b40) ARC of NorthCarolina. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the Arc ofNorth Carolina plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shalltransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of the Arc of North Carolina plates to The Arc ofNorth Carolina, Inc., for its programs in support of retarded citizens in NorthCarolina.
(b41) Autism Society ofNorth Carolina. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for anAutism Society of North Carolina plate before the plate may be developed. TheDivision must transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of Autism Society of NorthCarolina plates to the Autism Society of North Carolina, Inc., for supportservices to individuals with autism and their families.
(b42) Buddy PelletierSurfing Foundation. The Division must receive 300 or more applications forthe Buddy Pelletier Surfing Foundation plate before the plate may be developed.The Division shall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of the Buddy Pelletier SurfingFoundation to the Foundation to fund the Foundation's scholastic andhumanitarian aid programs.
(b43) Coastal ConservationAssociation. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for theCoastal Conservation Association plate before the plate may be developed. TheDivision shall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of the Coastal ConservationAssociation plates to the Division of Marine Fisheries for its conservationprograms.
(b44) Guilford BattlegroundCompany. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a GuilfordBattleground Company plate before the plate may be developed. The Divisionshall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural AttractionPlate Account derived from the sale of Guilford Battleground Company plates tothe Guilford Battleground Company for its programs.
(b45) National MultipleSclerosis Society. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for theNational Multiple Sclerosis Society plate before the plate may be developed.The Division shall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of the National MultipleSclerosis Society plates to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for itspublic awareness programs.
(b46) National Wild TurkeyFederation. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for theNational Wild Turkey Federation plate before the plate may be developed. TheDivision shall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of the National Wild TurkeyFederation plates to the North Carolina State Chapter of the National WildTurkey Federation for special projects to benefit the public.
(b47) SCUBA. The Divisionmust receive 300 or more applications for the SCUBA plate before the plate maybe developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiateand Cultural Plate Account derived for the sale of the SCUBA plates to theDivision of Marine Fisheries for the purpose of developing the State'sartificial reefs.
(b48) Share the Road. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the Share the Road platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of the Share the Road plates to the Department of Transportation, Divisionof Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, for its programs.
(b49) North CarolinaWildlife Habitat Foundation. The Division must receive 300 or moreapplications for the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation plate beforethe plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly the money inthe Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale ofthe North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation plates to the North CarolinaWildlife Habitat Foundation for its programs.
(b50) Shag Dancing. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the Shag Dancing platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of Shag Dancing plates to the Hall of Fame Foundation.
(b51) North CarolinaLibraries. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the NorthCarolina Libraries plate before the plate may be developed. The Division shalltransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of the North Carolina Libraries plates to theNorth Carolina Library Association, Inc., for the Association's publicprograms.
(b52) NC Trout Unlimited. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for an NC Trout Unlimitedplate before the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterlythe money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived fromthe sale of NC Trout Unlimited plates to North Carolina Trout Unlimited for itsprograms.
(b53) Repealed by SessionLaws 2007‑483, s. 8(c), effective October 1, 2007.
(b54) Carolina's AviationMuseum. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a Carolina'sAviation Museum plate before the plate may be developed. The Division musttransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of Carolina's Aviation Museum plates to theCarolina's Historic Aviation Commission, a domestic nonprofit corporation, tobe used to help continue operation of the Museum.
(b55) Greyhound Friends ofNorth Carolina. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for aGreyhound Friends of North Carolina plate before the plate may be developed.The Division must transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of the Greyhound Friends ofNorth Carolina plates to the Greyhound Friends of North Carolina, Inc., to beused for the care and upkeep of retired greyhound racers that are awaitingadoption.
(b56) Leukemia &Lymphoma Society. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for aLeukemia & Lymphoma Society plate before the plate may be developed. TheDivision must transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and CulturalAttraction Plate Account derived from the sale of Leukemia & LymphomaSociety plates to the Eastern Chapter of the North Carolina Leukemia &Lymphoma Society, a State‑chartered chapter of the national nonprofitorganization known as The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Inc., a dulyregistered New York nonprofit corporation. These funds may be divided betweenthe Eastern and Western chapters of the North Carolina Leukemia & LymphomaSociety which shall each use the funds for blood cancer research, awareness,and education.
(b57) Lung Cancer Research. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the Lung CancerResearch plate before the plate may be developed. The Division must transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of Lung Cancer Research plates to the American LungAssociation of North Carolina, Inc., to be used for eliminating lung diseaseand fostering healthy breathing for all people through prevention, outreach,education, research, and advocacy.
(b58) NC Children'sPromise. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a N.C.Children's Promise plate before the plate may be developed. The Division musttransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of NC Children's Promise plates to The MedicalFoundation of North Carolina, Incorporated, to be used to support the NorthCarolina Children's Promise.
(b59) Prince Hall Mason. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for a Prince Hall Mason platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division must transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of Prince Hall Mason plates to The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodgeof Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina and Jurisdiction, Inc., to beused for scholarships, family assistance, and other charitable causes.
(b60) Support Our Troops. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a Support Our Troopsplate before the plate may be developed. The Division shall transfer quarterlythe money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived fromthe sale of Support Our Troops plates to NC Support Our Troops, Inc., to beused to provide support and assistance to the troops and their families.
(b61) US Equine RescueLeague. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the US EquineRescue League plate before the plate may be developed. The Division musttransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of US Equine Rescue League plates to the UnitedStates Equine Rescue League, Inc., to be used for the care and upkeep ofrescued equines.
(b62) Back Country Horsemenof North Carolina. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for aBack Country Horsemen of North Carolina plate before the plate may bedeveloped. The Division must transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate andCultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale of Back Country Horsemenof North Carolina plates to the Back Country Horsemen of North Carolina topromote the development and maintenance of back country trails for trailriding.
(b63) Maggie Valley TroutFestival. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a MaggieValley Trout Festival plate before the plate may be developed. The Divisionmust transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural AttractionPlate Account derived from the sale of Maggie Valley Trout Festival plates tothe Town of Maggie Valley to promote trout fishing in Maggie Valley.
(b64) Home Care andHospice. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the Home Careand Hospice plate before the plate may be developed. The Division must transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of Home Care and Hospice plates to The Association forHome and Hospice Care of North Carolina for its educational programs in supportof home care and hospice care in North Carolina.
(b65) Hospice Care. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the Hospice Care platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division must transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the saleof Hospice Care plates to The Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Carefor its programs in support of hospice care in North Carolina.
(b66) Breast Cancer EarlierDetection. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a BreastCancer Earlier Detection plate before the plate may be developed. The Divisionmust transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural AttractionPlate Account derived from the sale of Breast Cancer Earlier Detection platesto the Friends for An Earlier Breast Cancer Test, Inc., to support services todetect breast cancer earlier.
(b67) Juvenile DiabetesResearch Foundation. The Division must receive 300 or more applications forthe Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation plate before the plate may bedeveloped. The Division must transfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate andCultural Attraction Plate Account derived from the sale of Juvenile DiabetesResearch Foundation plates to the Triangle Eastern North Carolina Chapter ofthe Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International, Inc., to providefunding for research to cure diabetes. The Foundation must distribute theamount it receives to all Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Inc., chapterslocated in the State in equal shares.
(b68) AIDS Awareness. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the AIDS Awareness platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division must transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of AIDS Awareness plates to The Alliance of AIDS Services‑Carolinafor its programs in support of AIDS awareness in North Carolina.
(b69) ALS Research. TheDivision must receive 300 or more applications for the ALS Research platebefore the plate may be developed. The Division must transfer quarterly themoney in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account derived from thesale of ALS Research plates to the ALS Association, Jim "Catfish"Hunter Chapter, to help provide funding for research to cure amyotrophiclateral sclerosis and provide support to families who have a loved onesuffering from the disease.
(b70) Brain InjuryAwareness. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the BrainInjury Awareness plate before the plate may be developed. The Division musttransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of Brain Injury Awareness plates to the BrainInjury Association of North Carolina, Inc., for support services to individualswith traumatic brain injuries.
(b71) National KidneyFoundation. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for a NationalKidney Foundation plate before the plate may be developed. The Division musttransfer quarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction PlateAccount derived from the sale of National Kidney Foundation plates to theNational Kidney Foundation of North Carolina, Inc., to support the Foundation'sservices for the detection, prevention, and treatment of diseases of the kidneyand urinary tract.
(b72) NC Tennis Foundation. The Division must receive 300 or more applications for the NC TennisFoundation plate before the plate may be developed. The Division must transferquarterly the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Accountderived from the sale of NC Tennis Foundation plates to the North CarolinaTennis Foundation, Inc., to provide funding for development and growth oftennis as a sport in North Carolina.
(c) General. Anapplication for a special license plate named in this section may be made atany time during the year. If the application is made to replace an existingcurrent valid plate, the special plate must be issued with the appropriatedecals attached. No refund shall be made to the applicant for any unusedportion remaining on the original plate. The request for a special licenseplate named in this section may be combined with a request that the plate be apersonalized license plate.
(c1) In accordance withG.S. 143C‑1‑2, the transfers mandated in this section areappropriations made by law.
(d) through (g)Repealed by Session Laws 1991 (Regular Session, 1992), c. 1042, s. 3. (1991, c. 758, s. 1; 1991(Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1007, s. 33; c. 1042, s. 3; 1993, c. 543, s. 5; 1995, c.433, s. 4; 1997‑427, s. 2; 1997‑477, s. 4; 1997‑484, s. 6;1999‑277, s. 4; 1999‑403, s. 4; 1999‑450, s. 4; 2000‑159,ss. 5, 6; 2000‑163, s. 3; 2001‑498, ss. 6(a), 6(b); 2002‑134,s. 7; 2003‑11, s. 4; 2003‑68, s. 4; 2003‑424, ss. 5, 6; 2004‑131,s. 5; 2004‑185, s. 5; 2004‑200, s. 4; 2005‑216, ss. 6, 7;2005‑435, s. 40; 2006‑209, ss. 5, 6, 7; 2007‑323, s.27.20(a); 2007‑345, s. 10.1; 2007‑400, ss. 5, 6; 2007‑483,ss. 6(a), 7, 8(c).)