§ 20‑86. Penalty forengaging in a "for‑hire" business without proper licenseplates.
Any person, firm orcorporation engaged in the business of transporting persons or property forcompensation, except as otherwise provided in this Article, shall, beforeengaging in such business, pay the license fees prescribed by this Article andsecure the license plates provided for vehicles operated for hire. Any person,firm or corporation operating vehicles for hire without having paid the taxprescribed or using private plates on such vehicles shall be liable for anadditional tax of twenty‑five dollars ($25.00) for each vehicle inaddition to the normal fees provided in this Article; provided, that when thevehicle subject to for‑hire license has attached thereto a trailer orsemitrailer, each unit in the combination, including the tractor, trailerand/or semitrailer, shall be subject to the additional tax as hereinprescribed; provided, further that the additional tax herein provided shall notapply to trailers having a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or less. (1937,c. 407, s. 50; 1965, c. 659.)