§ 20‑95. Prorated feefor license plate issued for other than a year.
(a) Calendar‑YearPlate. The fee for a calendar‑year license plate issued on or afterApril 1 of a year is a percentage of the annual fee determined in accordancewith the following table:
DatePlate Issued Percentageof Annual Fee
April 1 through June 30 75%
July 1 through September 30 50
October 1 through December 31 25.
(a1) Plate With RenewalSticker. The fee for a license plate whose registration is renewed by meansof a registration renewal sticker for a period of other than 12 months is aprorated amount of the annual fee. The prorated amount is one‑twelfth ofthe annual fee multiplied by the number of full months in the period beginningthe date the renewal sticker becomes effective until the date the renewalsticker expires, rounded to the nearest dollar.
(b) Scope. Thissection does not apply to license plates issued pursuant to G.S. 20‑79.1,20‑79.2, 20‑84, 20‑84.1, 20‑87(9) or (10), and 20‑88(c).(1937, c. 407, s. 59; 1947, c. 914, s. 3; 1979, c. 476; 1991, c. 672,s. 6, c. 726, s. 23; 1993, c. 440, s. 6; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 761, s.8.)