§25‑4A‑206. Transmission of payment order through funds‑transferor other communication system.
(a) If a payment orderaddressed to a receiving bank is transmitted to a funds‑transfer systemor other third‑party communication system for transmittal to the bank,the system is deemed to be an agent of the sender for the purpose oftransmitting the payment order to the bank. If there is a discrepancy betweenthe terms of the payment order transmitted to the system and the terms of thepayment order transmitted by the system to the bank, the terms of the paymentorder of the sender are those transmitted by the system. This section does notapply to a funds‑transfer system of the Federal Reserve Banks.
(b) This sectionapplies to cancellations and amendments of payment orders to the same extent itapplies to payment orders. (1993, c. 157, s. 1.)