§25C‑14. Disclosure requirements.
(a) An art dealer whosells or offers to sell a print not exempt under G.S. 25C‑16, shalldisclose the following information in a writing to the prospective purchaser:
(1) The name of theartist;
(2) The year the plate ornegative was created;
(3) The year when theprint was printed or created;
(4) The process used tocreate the master image;
(5) The process used tocreate the print;
(6) Whether the print ispart of a limited edition.
(b) If the print or itsplate or negative is a mechanical, photomechanical or photographic copy orreproduction of a master image previously created or produced in anothermedium, this information shall be disclosed as part of the disclosure requiredby subsection (a) of this section.
(c) If the print isrepresented to be part of a limited edition, the disclosure required bysubsections (a) and (b) of this section shall further state:
(1) The authorizedmaximum number of numbered or signed prints, or both, in the edition;
(2) The authorized maximumnumber of unnumbered or unsigned prints, or both, in the edition;
(3) Any authorizedmaximum number of artist's, publisher's, printer's, or other proofs, exclusiveof trial proofs, outside the regular edition;
(4) The total number ofprints, either numbered or unnumbered, in the edition;
(5) Whether the plate ornegative has been destroyed, effaced, altered, defaced, or cancelled after thecurrent edition;
(6) If there were anyprior plates or negatives of the same master image, the total number of platesor negatives and a designation of the plate or negative from which the printwas taken;
(7) If there were anyprior or later editions from the same plate or negative, the series number ofthe edition of which the print is a part, and the aggregate size of all othereditions;
(8) Whether the printwas published as a book illustration or in a magazine article;
(9) Whether the editionis a posthumous edition or a restrike, and, if it is, whether the plate hasbeen reworked;
(10) The name of anyworkshop where the edition was printed; and
(11) Whether the print hasbeen printed on acid‑free paper.
(d) Whenever an artdealer disclaims knowledge as to a particular item about which information isrequired, such disclaimer shall be clearly and conspicuously stated inunqualified terms as to each of those items of information required by thissection and shall be contained in writing in the physical context of otherlanguage setting forth the required information to be disclosed under thissection. (1989, c. 464, s. 1.)