§28B‑7. Resignation and removal.
(a) A receiverappointed under authority of this Chapter may resign and his successor beappointed by complying with the provisions set forth in G.S. 36‑9 through36‑18.2.
(b) If, after areceiver has been appointed, it is made to appear to the court upon the filingof a complaint or upon information received that the person appointed asreceiver of the estate and property of the absentee in military service islegally incompetent, or that such person has been guilty of default ormisconduct in due execution of his office, or that his appointment was obtainedby false representation, or that such person has removed himself from thisState, the court shall issue an order requiring such person to show cause whyhis appointment as a receiver should not be revoked. Upon the removal of areceiver of the estate or property of an absentee in military service, thecourt shall immediately appoint his successor. Pending any suit or proceedingbetween parties respecting such revocation, the clerk of superior court isauthorized to make such interlocutory orders as may tend to better secure theestate and property of the absentee in military service. (1973,c. 522, s. 7.)