§28C‑14. Additional limitations on accounting, distribution or makingclaim by absentee.
If, at the time of the hearingin G.S. 28C‑6 wherein a permanent receiver is appointed by the judgeafter a finding of disappearance as of a stated date, the date of disappearanceso found is more than four years prior to the date of such hearing, the timelimited for accounting for or fixed for transferring or distributing theproperty or its proceeds, or for barring actions by or on behalf of theabsentee relative thereto, shall be not less than two years after the date ofthe appointment of the permanent receiver instead of the five years provided inG.S. 28C‑11(c).
Provided, however, that thetime limited for accounting for or fixed for transferring and distributing anyadditional property or its proceeds within the State coming into the custodyand control of the permanent receiver during such two‑year period, or forbarring actions by or on behalf of the absentee relative thereto, shall be notmore than one year after the expiration of said two‑year period. (1965,c. 815, s. 1; 1973, c. 1329, s. 2.)