§31‑19. Probate conclusive until vacated; substitution of consolidatedbank as executor or trustee under will.
Such record and probate isconclusive in evidence of the validity of the will, until it is vacated onappeal or declared void by a competent tribunal. Provided, that whenever in awill so probated or recorded a bank or trust company shall be named executorand/or trustee and shall have at the time of such probate and recording becomeabsorbed by or consolidated with another bank or trust company or shall havesold and transferred all its assets and liabilities to another bank or trustcompany doing business in North Carolina, such latter bank or trust companyshall be deemed substituted for and shall have all the rights and powers of theformer bank or trust company. (C.C.P., s. 438; Code, s.2150; Rev., s. 3128; C.S., s. 4145; 1929, c. 150; 1941, c. 79.)