§31‑31.2. Validation of wills when recorded without order of probate orregistration upon oath and examination of subscribing witness or witnesses.
Whenever any last will andtestament has been duly presented to the clerk of the superior court, and the saidwill together with the oath and examination of the subscribing witness orwitnesses thereto taken before a notary public in the county in which the willis probated, or taken before a notary public of any other county, or before theclerk of the superior court of said county, or any other county, is dulyrecorded in the office of the clerk of the superior court of the said county,without a formal order of probate or registration, such will, if executed inaccordance with the laws of this State, is hereby validated with respect to theprobate and registration thereof and shall be sufficient to pass title to allreal and personal property purported to be transferred thereby to the sameextent that the said will would have done so if there had been a formal orderof probate and registration. This section shall apply only to wills presentedto the clerk of the superior court and recorded prior to the first day ofJanuary, 1943. (1951, c. 725.)