§35A‑1111. Multidisciplinary evaluation.
(a) To assist indetermining the nature and extent of a respondent's disability, or to assist indeveloping an appropriate guardianship plan and program, the clerk, on his ownmotion or the motion of any party, may order that a multidisciplinaryevaluation of the respondent be performed. A request for a multidisciplinaryevaluation shall be made in writing and filed with the clerk within 10 daysafter service of the petition on the respondent.
(b) If a multidisciplinaryevaluation is ordered, the clerk shall name a designated agency and order it toprepare, cause to be prepared, or assemble a current multidisciplinaryevaluation of the respondent. The agency shall file the evaluation with theclerk not later than 30 days after the agency receives the clerk's order. Themultidisciplinary evaluation shall be filed in the proceeding for adjudicationof incompetence, in the proceeding for appointment of a guardian underSubchapter II of this Chapter, or both. Unless otherwise ordered by the clerk,the agency shall send copies of the evaluation to the petitioner and thecounsel or guardian ad litem for the respondent not later than 30 days afterthe agency receives the clerk's order. The evaluation shall be kept under suchconditions as directed by the clerk and its contents revealed only as directedby the clerk. The evaluation shall not be a public record and shall not bereleased except by order of the clerk.
(c) If amultidisciplinary evaluation does not contain medical, psychological, or socialwork evaluations ordered by the clerk, the designated agency nevertheless shallfile the evaluation with the clerk and send copies as required by subsection(b). In a transmittal letter, the agency shall explain why the evaluation doesnot contain such medical, psychological, or social work evaluations.
(d) The clerk may orderthat the respondent attend a multidisciplinary evaluation for the purpose ofbeing evaluated.
(e) Themultidisciplinary evaluation may be considered at the hearing for adjudicationof incompetence, the hearing for appointment of a guardian under Subchapter IIof this Chapter, or both. (1987, c. 550, s. 1.)