§39‑13.2. Married persons under 18 made competent as to certaintransactions; certain transactions validated.
(a) Any married personunder 18 years of age is authorized and empowered and shall have the sameprivileges as are conferred upon married persons 18 years of age or older to:
(1) Waive, release orrenounce by deed or other written instrument any right or interest which he orshe may have in the real or personal property (tangible or intangible) of theother spouse; or
(2) Jointly execute withhis or her spouse, if such spouse is 18 years of age or older, any note,contract of insurance, deed, deed of trust, mortgage, lien of whatever natureor other instrument with respect to real or personal property (tangible orintangible) held with such other spouse either as tenants by the entirety,joint tenants, tenants in common, or in any other manner.
(b) Any transactionbetween a husband and wife pursuant to this section shall be subject to theprovisions of G.S. 52‑10 or 52‑10.1 whenever applicable.
(c) No renunciation ofdower or curtesy or of rights under G.S. 29‑30(a) by a married personunder the age of 21 years after June 30, 1960, and until April 7, 1961, shallbe invalid because such person was under such age. No written assent by ahusband under the age of 21 years to a conveyance of the real property of hiswife after June 30, 1960, and until April 7, 1961, shall be invalid becausesuch husband was under such age. (1951, c. 934, s. 1; 1955, c.376; 1961, c. 184; 1965, c. 851; c. 878, s. 2; 1971, c. 1231, s. 1; 1977, c.375, s. 8.)