Condemnation Proceedingsby Private Condemnors.
§ 40A‑19. Proceedingsby private condemnors.
Any private condemnorenumerated in G.S. 40A‑3(a), possessing by law the right of eminentdomain in this State shall have the right to acquire property required for thepurposes of its incorporation or for the purposes specified in this Chapter inthe manner and by the special proceedings herein prescribed. (1871‑2,c. 138, s. 13; Code, ss. 1943, 2009; 1885, c. 168; 1893, c. 63; 1899, c. 64;1901, cc. 6, 41, s. 2; 1903, c. 159, s. 16; c. 562; Rev., s. 2579; C.S., s.1715; 1951, c. 59, s. 1; 1981, c. 919, s. 1.)