§40A‑21. Notice of proceedings.
Notice of all proceedingsbrought hereunder shall be filed with the clerk of superior court of eachcounty in which any part of the land is located in the form and manner providedby G.S. 1‑116, and the clerk shall index and cross‑index thisnotice as required by G.S. 1‑117. In the record of lis pendens and inthe judgment docket required by G.S. 7A‑109 the clerk shall always indexthe name of the condemnor as the plaintiff and the name of the property owneras the defendant irrespective of whether the condemning party is the plaintiffor defendant. The filing of such notice shall be constructive notice of theproceeding to any person who subsequently acquires any interest in or lien uponsaid property, and the condemnor shall take all property condemned under thisArticle free of the claims of any such person. (1969, c. 864; 1981, c. 919,s. 1.)