§40A‑26. Powers and duties of commissioners.
The commissioners, beforeentering upon the discharge of their duties, shall take and subscribe an oaththat they will fairly and impartially appraise the property in the petition.Any one of them may issue subpoenas, administer oaths to witnesses, and any twoof them may adjourn the proceedings before them from time to time, in theirdiscretion. Whenever they meet, except by the appointment of the clerk orpursuant to adjournment, they shall cause 10 days' notice of such meeting to begiven to the parties who are affected by their proceedings, or their attorneyor agent. They shall view the premises described in the petition, hear theproofs and allegations of the parties, and reduce the testimony, if any is takenby them, to writing. After the testimony is closed in each case, and withoutany unnecessary delay, and before proceeding to the examination of any otherclaim, a majority of the commissioners being present and acting, shallascertain and determine the compensation which ought justly to be made by thecondemnor to the owners of the property appraised by them. The commissionersshall determine the compensation to be awarded in accordance with theprinciples established by Article 4 of this Chapter. They shall report the sameto the clerk within 10 days. (1871‑ 2, c. 138, ss.16‑18; Code, s. 1946; 1891, c. 160; Rev., s. 2585; C.S., s. 1721; 1981,c. 919, s. 1.)