§40A‑9. Removal of structures on condemned land; lien.
At the request of the ownerthe condemnor shall allow the owner of property acquired by condemnation toremove any timber, building, permanent improvement, or fixture wholly orpartially located on or affixed to the property unless such removal would beinconsistent with the purpose for which condemnation is made, and shall specifya reasonable time within which it may be removed. If the report of thecommissioners deducted the value of any such property to be removed from theaward of compensation and allowed the cost of removal as an element of damagesand the owner fails to remove it within the time allowed, the condemnor mayremove it and the cost of the removal and storage of the property shall bechargeable against the owner and a lien upon any remainder of the property notacquired by the condemnor to be recovered or foreclosed in the manner providedby law for recovery of debt or foreclosure of mortgages. (1981,c. 919, s. 1.)