§ 44A‑19. Notice ofclaim of lien upon funds.
(a) Notice of a claimof lien upon funds shall set forth all of the following information:
(1) The name and addressof the person claiming the lien upon funds.
(2) A generaldescription of the real property improved.
(3) The name and addressof the person with whom the lien claimant contracted to improve real property.
(4) The name and addressof each person against or through whom subrogation rights are claimed.
(5) A generaldescription of the contract and the person against whose interest the lien uponfunds is claimed.
(6) The amount of thelien upon funds claimed by the lien claimant under the contract.
(b) All notices ofclaims of liens upon funds by first, second, or third tier subcontractors mustbe given using a form substantially as follows:
1. ____________________, owner ofproperty involved.
(Name and address)
2. _____________________, generalcontractor.
(Name and address)
3. _____________________, firsttier subcontractor against or through
(Name and address) whomsubrogation is claimed, if any.
4. ______________________, secondtier subcontractor against or through
(Name and address) whomsubrogation is claimed, if any.
General description of realproperty where labor performed or material furnished:
General description ofundersigned lien claimant's contract including the names of the parties thereto:
The amount of lien upon fundsclaimed pursuant to the above described contract:
The undersigned lien claimantgives this notice of claim of lien upon funds pursuant to North Carolina lawand claims all rights of subrogation to which he is entitled under Part 2 ofArticle 2 of Chapter 44A of the General Statutes of North Carolina.
Dated _____
__________, Lien Claimant
(c) All notices of claimsof liens upon funds by subcontractors more remote than the third tier must begiven using a form substantially as follows:
_______________, person holdingfunds against which lien
(Name and Address)
upon funds is claimed.
General description of realproperty where labor performed or materialfurnished:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
General description ofundersigned lien claimant's contract including the names of the partiesthereto:
The amount of lien upon fundsclaimed pursuant to the above described contract:
$ ____________________________________________________
The undersigned lien claimantgives this notice of claim of lien upon funds pursuant to North Carolina lawand claims all rights to which he or she is entitled under Part 2 of Article 2of Chapter 44A of the General Statutes of North Carolina.
Dated: _____
__________, Lien Claimant
(d) Notices of claimsof lien upon funds under this section shall be served upon the obligor bypersonal delivery or in any manner authorized by Rule 4 of the North CarolinaRules of Civil Procedure. A copy of the notice of claim of lien upon funds shallbe attached to any claim of lien on real property filed pursuant to G.S. 44A‑20(d)or G.S. 44A‑23.
(e) Notices of claimsof lien upon funds shall not be filed with the clerk of superior court andshall not be indexed, docketed, or recorded in any way as to affect title toany real property, except a notice of a claim of lien upon funds may be filedwith the clerk of superior court under either of the following circumstances:
(1) When the notice ofclaim of lien upon funds is attached to a claim of lien on real property filedpursuant to G.S. 44A‑20(d) or G.S. 44A‑23.
(2) When the notice ofclaim of lien upon funds is filed by the obligor for the purpose of dischargingthe claim of lien upon funds in accordance with G.S. 44A‑20(e).
(f) Filing a notice ofclaim of lien upon funds pursuant to subsection (e) of this section is not aviolation of G.S. 44A‑12.1. (1971, c. 880, s. 1; 1985, c. 702, s. 1; 2005‑229,s. 1.)