§44A‑3. When lien arises and terminates.
Liens conferred under thisArticle arise only when the lienor acquires possession of the property andterminate and become unenforceable when the lienor voluntarily relinquishes thepossession of the property upon which a lien might be claimed, or when anowner, his agent, a legal possessor or any other person having a security orother interest in the property tenders prior to sale the amount secured by thelien plus reasonable storage, boarding and other expenses incurred by thelienor. The reacquisition of possession of property voluntarily relinquishedshall not reinstate the lien. Liens conferred under this Article do notterminate when the lienor involuntarily relinquishes the possession of theproperty. (1967, c. 1029, s. 1; 1991, c. 344, s. 3, c. 731, s.2.)