§ 45‑102. (Forexpiration date, see note) Pre‑foreclosure notice for subprime loans.
At least 45 days prior to thefiling of a notice of hearing in a foreclosure proceeding on a primaryresidence, mortgage servicers of subprime loans shall send written notice bymail to the last known address of the borrower to inform the borrower of theavailability of resources to avoid foreclosure, including:
(1) An itemization ofall past due amounts causing the loan to be in default.
(2) An itemization ofany other charges that must be paid in order to bring the loan current.
(3) A statement that theborrower may have options available other than foreclosure and that theborrower may discuss available options with the mortgage lender, the mortgageservicer, or a counselor approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment.
(4) The address,telephone number, and other contact information for the mortgage lender, themortgage servicer, or the agent for either of them who is authorized to attemptto work with the borrower to avoid foreclosure.
(5) The name, address,telephone number, and other contact information for one or more HUD‑approvedcounseling agencies operating to assist borrowers in North Carolina to avoidforeclosure.
(6) The address,telephone number, and other contact information for the consumer complaintsection of the Office of Commissioner of Banks. (2008‑226, s. 1.)