§ 45‑42. Satisfactionof corporate mortgages by corporate officers.
All security instrumentsexecuted to a corporation may be satisfied and so marked of record as by lawprovided for the satisfaction of security instruments, by any officer of thecorporation indicating the office held. For the purposes of recordation andsatisfaction, such signature shall be deemed to be a certification by thesigner that he is an officer and is authorized to execute the satisfaction onbehalf of such corporation. Where security instruments were marked"satisfied" on the records before the twenty‑third day ofFebruary, 1909, by any president, secretary, treasurer or cashier of anycorporation by such officer writing his own name and affixing thereto the titleof his office in such corporation, such satisfaction is validated, and is aseffective to all intents and purposes as if a deed of release duly executed bysuch corporation had been made, acknowledged and recorded. (1909, c. 283, ss. 2, 3;C.S., s. 2597; 1935, c. 271; 1963, c. 193; 1991, c. 647, s. 6; 2005‑123,s. 1.)