§47‑55. Before officer in wrong capacity or out of jurisdiction.
All deeds, conveyances, orother instruments permitted by law to be registered in this State, which havebeen probated or ordered to be registered previous to January 1, 1913, beforeany officer of this or any other state or country, authorized by law to takeacknowledgments or to order registration, where the certificate of the probateor order of registration is sufficient in form, but appears to have beencertified by the officer in some capacity other than that in which such officerwas authorized to act, or appears to have been made out of the county ordistrict authorized by law, but within the State, and where the instrument withsuch certificate has been recorded in the proper county, are hereby declared tohave been duly proved, probated and recorded, and to be valid. (Rev.,ss. 1017, 1030; 1913, c. 125, s. 1; C.S., s. 3336.)