§47‑64. Probates before officers, stockholders or directors ofcorporations prior to January 1, 1945.
No acknowledgment or proof ofexecution, including privy examination of married women, of any deed, mortgageor deed of trust to which instrument a corporation is a party, executed priorto the first day of January, 1945, shall be held invalid by reason of the factthat the officer taking such acknowledgment, proof or privy examination was anofficer, stockholder, or director in said corporation; but such proofs andacknowledgments and the registration thereof, if in all other respects valid,are declared to be valid. Nor shall the registration of any such instrumentordered to be registered be held invalid by reason of the fact that the clerkor deputy clerk ordering the registration was an officer, stockholder ordirector in any corporation which is a party to any such instrument. (Ex.Sess. 1913, c. 41; C.S., s. 3346; 1929, c. 24, s. 1; 1943, c. 135; 1945, c.860.)