§47‑70. By president and attested by treasurer under corporate seal.
All deeds and conveyances forlands in this State, made by any corporation of this State, which haveheretofore been proved or acknowledged before any notary public in any otherstate, or before any commissioner of deeds and affidavits for the State ofNorth Carolina in any other state, and sealed with the common seal of thecorporation and attested by the treasurer, are hereby ratified and declared tobe good and valid deeds for all purposes. Where such deeds have been executedfor the corporation by its president and attested, sealed and acknowledged orprobated as aforesaid, and the acknowledgment or probate has been duly adjudgedsufficient by any deputy clerk and ordered registered, the acknowledgment,probate and registration are ratified, and said deed is declared valid. Suchdeeds, or certified copies thereof, may be used as evidence of title to thelands therein conveyed in the trial of any suits in any of the courts of thisState where the title of said lands shall come in controversy. (1905,c. 307; Rev., s. 1028; C.S., s. 3352.)