§47‑84. Before vice‑consuls and vice‑consuls general.
The order for registration bythe clerk of the superior court and the registration thereof of all deeds ofconveyance and other instruments in any county of this State prior to January1, 1905, upon the certificate of any vice‑consul or vice‑consulgeneral of the United States residing in a foreign country, certifying in dueform under his name and the official seal of the United States consul or UnitedStates consul general of the same place and country where such vice‑consulor vice‑consul general resided and acted, that he has taken the proof oracknowledgments of the parties to such instruments, together with the privyexaminations of married women parties thereto, are hereby, together with suchproof and acknowledgments, privy examinations and certificates, validated. (1905,c. 451, s. 2; Rev., s. 1024; C.S., s. 3365.)