§47A‑13. Declaration creating unit ownership; contents; recordation.
The declaration creating andestablishing unit ownership as provided in G.S. 47A‑3 of this Article,shall be recorded in the office of the county register of deeds and shallcontain the following particulars:
(1) Description of theland on which the building and improvements are or are to be located.
(2) Description of thebuilding, stating the number of stories and basements, the number of units, andthe principal materials of which it is constructed.
(3) The unit designationof each unit, and a statement of its location, approximate area, number ofrooms, and immediate common area to which it has access, and any other datanecessary for its proper identification.
(4) Description of the generalcommon areas and facilities and the proportionate interest of each unit ownertherein.
(5) Description of thelimited common areas and facilities, if any, stating what units shall share thesame and in what proportion.
(6) Statement of thepurpose for which the building and each of the units are intended andrestricted as to use.
(7) The name of a personto receive service of process in the cases hereinafter provided, together withthe residence or the place of business of such person which shall be within thecity and county in which the building is located.
(8) Any further detailsin connection with the property which the person executing the declaration maydeem desirable to set forth consistent with this Article.
(9) The method by whichthe declaration may be amended, consistent with the provisions of this Article.(1963, c. 685, s. 13; 1983, c. 624, s. 2.)