§ 47C‑3‑107.1. Procedures for fines andsuspension of condominium privileges or services.
Unless a specific procedure for the imposition of fines or suspensionof condominium privileges or services is provided for in the declaration, ahearing shall be held before the executive board or an adjudicatory panelappointed by the executive board to determine if any unit owner should be finedor if condominium privileges or services should be suspended pursuant to thepowers granted to the association in G.S. 47C‑3‑102(11). Anyadjudicatory panel appointed by the executive board shall be composed ofmembers of the association who are not officers of the association or membersof the executive board. The unit owner charged shall be given notice of thecharge, opportunity to be heard and to present evidence, and notice of thedecision. If it is decided that a fine should be imposed, a fine not to exceedone hundred dollars ($100.00) may be imposed for the violation and withoutfurther hearing, for each day more than five days after the decision that theviolation occurs. Such fines shall be assessments secured by liens under G.S.47C‑3‑116. If it is decided that a suspension of condominiumprivileges or services should be imposed, the suspension may be continued withoutfurther hearing until the violation or delinquency is cured. A unit owner mayappeal a decision of an adjudicatory panel to the full executive board bydelivering written notice of appeal to the executive board within 15 days afterthe date of the decision. The executive board may affirm, vacate, or modify theprior decision of the adjudicatory body. (1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 877, s. 1; 1997‑456, s. 27; 2005‑422,s. 14.)