§48‑1‑105. Name of adoptee after adoption.
When a decree of adoptionbecomes final, the name of the adoptee shall become the name designated in thedecree. (1949, c. 300; 1951, c. 730, ss. 1‑4; 1955, c.951, s. 1; 1967, c. 880, s. 3; c. 1042, ss. 1‑3; 1969, c. 21, s. 2‑6;c. 977; 1971, c. 1231, s. 1; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; c. 849, ss. 1‑3; 1975,c. 91; 1981, c. 657; 1983, c. 454, s. 6; 1989, c. 208; c. 727, s. 219(3), (4);1993, c. 553, s. 14; 1995, c. 457, s. 2.)