§ 48‑2‑304. Petition for adoption; content.
(a) The originalpetition for adoption must be signed and verified by each petitioner, and theoriginal and two exact or conformed copies shall be filed with the clerk ofcourt. The petition shall state:
(1) Each petitioner'sfull name, current address, place of domicile if different from currentaddress, and whether each petitioner has resided or been domiciled in thisState for the six months immediately preceding the filing of the petition;
(2) The marital statusand gender of each petitioner;
(3) The sex and, ifknown, the date and state or country of birth of the adoptee;
(4) The full name bywhich the adoptee is to be known if the petition is granted;
(5) That the petitionerdesires and agrees to adopt and treat the adoptee as the petitioner's lawfulchild; and
(6) A description andestimate of the value of any property of the adoptee.
(b) Any petition toadopt a minor shall also state:
(1) The length of timethe adoptee has been in the physical custody of the petitioner.
(2) If the adoptee isnot in the physical custody of the petitioner, the reason why the petitionerdoes not have physical custody and the date and manner in which the petitionerintends to acquire custody.
(3) That the petitionerhas the resources, including those available under a subsidy for an adopteewith special needs, to provide for the care and support of the adoptee.
(4) Any informationrequired by the Uniform Child‑Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act,Article 2 of Chapter 50A of the General Statutes, which is known to thepetitioner.
(5) That any requiredassessment has been completed or updated within the 18 months before theplacement.
(6) That all necessaryconsents, relinquishments, or terminations of parental rights have beenobtained and will be filed as additional documents with the petition; or thatthe necessary consents, relinquishments, and terminations of parental rightsthat have been obtained will be filed as additional documents with thepetition, along with the document listing the names of any other individualswhose consent, relinquishment, or termination of rights may be necessary buthas not been obtained.
(c) A petition to adopta minor under Article 3 of this Chapter shall also state all of the following:
(1) A description of thesource of placement and the date of placement of the adoptee with thepetitioner.
(2) That the provisionsof the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, Article 38 of Chapter7B of the General Statutes, were followed if the adoptee was brought into thisState from another state for purposes of adoption, or that a statement isattached describing the circumstances of any noncompliance.
(d) A petition to adopta minor under Article 4 of this Chapter shall also state:
(1) The date of thepetitioner's marriage, the name of the petitioner's spouse, and whether thespouse is deceased or has been adjudicated incompetent;
(2) The length of timethe petitioner's spouse or the petitioner has had legal custody of the adopteeand the circumstances under which custody was acquired; and
(3) That the adoptee hasresided primarily with the petitioner or with the petitioner and thepetitioner's spouse during the six months immediately preceding the filing ofthe petition.
(e) Any petition toadopt an adult shall also state:
(1) The name, age, andlast known address of any child of the prospective adoptive parent, including achild previously adopted by the prospective adoptive parent or the adoptiveparent's spouse, and the date and place of the adoption; and
(2) The name, age, andlast known address of any living parent, spouse, or child of the adoptee.
(f) The Department maypromulgate a standard adoption petition. (1949, c. 300; 1961, c. 186; 1969, c. 982; 1973, c.476, s. 138; 1995, c. 88, s. 5; c. 457, s. 2; 1998‑202, s. 13(k); 1999‑223,s. 9; 2001‑150, s. 2; 2005‑166, s. 3.)