Part 6. Dispositional Hearing;Decree of Adoption.
§ 48‑2‑601. Hearing on, or disposition of, adoption petition; transfer of adoptionproceeding; timing.
(a) If it appears tothe court that a petition to adopt a minor is not contested, the court maydispose of the petition without a formal hearing.
(a1) If an issue of fact,an equitable defense, or a request for equitable relief is raised before theclerk, the clerk shall transfer the proceeding to the district court under G.S.1‑301.2.
(b) No later than 90days after a petition for adoption has been filed, the court shall set a dateand time for hearing or disposing of the petition.
(c) The hearing ordisposition must take place no later than six months after the petition isfiled, but the court for cause may extend the time for the hearing ordisposition. (1949,c. 300; 1953, c. 571; 1959, cc. 340, 561; 1961, cc. 186, 384; 1967, c. 19; c.619, s. 4; 1969, c. 982; 1973, c. 1354, s. 6; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 977,s. 1; 1995, c. 457, s. 2; 1997‑215, s. 10(a); 2002‑159, s. 12.)