Part 2.Placement of Minors for Adoption.
§ 48‑3‑201. Whomay place minors for adoption.
(a) Only the followingmay place the minor for adoption:
(1) An agency,
(2) A guardian,
(3) Both parents actingjointly, if
a. Both parents aremarried to each other and living together, or
b. One parent has legalcustody of a minor and the other has physical custody but neither has both, or
(4) A parent with legaland physical custody of a minor, except as provided in subdivision (3) of thissubsection.
(b) A parent, guardian,or agency that places a minor directly for adoption shall execute a consent tothe minor's adoption pursuant to Part 6 of this Article.
(c) A parent orguardian of a minor who wants an agency to place the minor for adoption mustexecute a relinquishment to the agency pursuant to Part 7 of this Articlebefore the agency can place the minor.
(d) An agency havinglegal and physical custody of a minor may place the minor for adoption at anytime after a relinquishment is executed by anyone as permitted by G.S. 48‑3‑701.The agency may place the minor for adoption even if other consents are requiredbefore an adoption can be granted, unless an individual whose consent isrequired notifies the agency in writing of the individual's objections beforethe placement. The agency shall act promptly after accepting a relinquishmentto obtain all other necessary consents, relinquishments, or terminations of anyguardian's authority pursuant to Chapter 35A of the General Statutes orparental rights pursuant to Article 11 of Chapter 7B of the General Statutes. (1995,c. 457, s. 2; 1997‑215, s. 11(b); 1998‑202, s. 13(j).)