§ 48‑3‑307. Assessments completed after placement.
(a) If a placementoccurs before a preplacement assessment is completed, the prospective adoptiveparent shall deliver a copy of the assessment when completed, whether favorableor unfavorable, to the parent or guardian who placed the minor. A prospectiveadoptive parent, who cannot after the exercise of due diligence personallylocate the parent or guardian who placed the minor, may deposit a copy of thepreplacement assessment in the United States mail, return receipt requested,addressed to the address of the parent or guardian given in the consent, andthe date of receipt by the parent or guardian for purposes of G.S. 48‑3‑608shall be deemed to be the date of delivery or last attempted delivery.
(b) If a petition foradoption is filed before the preplacement assessment is completed, theprospective adoptive parent shall attach to the petition an affidavitexplaining why the assessment has not been completed and, upon completion ofthe assessment, shall file it with the court in which the petition is pending.
(c) A prospectiveadoptive parent shall file or cause to be filed a certificate indicating thatthe prospective adoptive parent has delivered a copy of the assessment to theparent or guardian who placed the minor for adoption. (1995, c. 457, s. 2; 2001‑150,s. 9.)