§48‑3‑606. Content of consent; mandatory provisions.
A consent required from aminor to be adopted, a parent, or a guardian under G.S. 48‑3‑601must be in writing and state:
(1) The date and placeof the execution of the consent;
(2) The name, date of birth,and permanent address of the individual executing the consent;
(3) The date of birth orthe expected delivery date, the sex, and the name of the minor to be adopted,if known;
(4) That the individualexecuting the document is voluntarily consenting to the transfer of legal andphysical custody to, and the adoption of the minor to be adopted by, theidentified prospective adoptive parent;
(5) The name of a personand an address where any notice of revocation may be sent;
(6) That the individualexecuting the document understands that after the consent is signed andacknowledged in accord with the procedures set forth in G.S. 48‑3‑605,it may be revoked in accord with G.S. 48‑3‑608, but that it isotherwise final and irrevocable and may not be withdrawn or set aside exceptunder a circumstance set forth in G.S. 48‑3‑609;
(7) That the consentshall be valid and binding and is not affected by any oral or separate writtenagreement between the individual executing the consent and the adoptive parent;
(8) That the individualexecuting the consent has not received or been promised any money or anythingof value for the consent, and has not received or been promised any money oranything of value in relation to the adoption of the child except for lawfulpayments that are itemized on a schedule attached to the consent;
(9) That the individualexecuting the consent understands that when the adoption is final, all rightsand obligations of the adoptee's former parents or guardian with respect to theadoptee will be extinguished, and every aspect of the legal relationshipbetween the adoptee and the former parent or guardian will be terminated;
(10) The name and addressof the court, if known, in which the petition for adoption has been or will befiled;
(11) That the individualexecuting the consent waives notice of any proceeding for adoption;
(12) If the individualexecuting the document is the minor to be adopted or the person placing theminor for adoption, a statement that the adoption shall be by a specific namedadoptive parent;
(13) If the individualexecuting the document is the person placing the minor for adoption, that theindividual executing the consent has provided the prospective adoptive parent,or the prospective adoptive parent's attorney, with the written documentrequired by G.S. 48‑3‑205; and
(14) That the personexecuting the consent has:
a. Received or beenoffered an unsigned copy of the consent;
b. Been advised thatcounselling services may be available through county departments of social servicesor licensed child‑placing agencies; and
c. Been advised of theright to employ independent legal counsel. (1995, c. 457, s. 2.)