§48‑3‑607. Consequences of consent.
(a) A consent executedpursuant to G.S. 48‑3‑605 and G.S. 48‑3‑606 may berevoked as provided in G.S. 48‑3‑608. A consent is otherwise finaland irrevocable except under a circumstance set forth in G.S. 48‑3‑609.
(b) Except as providedin subsection (c) of this section, the consent of a parent, guardian, or agencythat placed a minor for adoption pursuant to Part 2 of this Article vests legaland physical custody of the minor in the prospective adoptive parent and empowersthis individual to petition the court to adopt the minor.
(c) Any other parentalright and duty of a parent who executed a consent is not terminated untileither the decree of adoption becomes final or the relationship of parent andchild is otherwise terminated, whichever comes first. Until termination, theminor remains the child of a parent who executed a consent for purposes of anyinheritance, succession, insurance, arrears of child support, and other benefitor claim that the minor may have from, through, or against the parent. (1949,c. 300; 1957, c. 778, s. 6; 1961, c. 186; 1969, c. 982; 1983, cc. 83, 688;1985, c. 758, s. 12; 1987, c. 541, s. 1; 1991, c. 667, s. 1; 1995, c. 457, s.2.)